Badan Restorasi Gambut Republik Indonesia (BRG)

Letter of Deputy III BRG Nomor : S.66/D3/8/2017 dated August 30, 2017

IDR 153.600.000,-

Period program: September 11, 2017 – September 29, 2017


The Peat Restoration Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BRG) is a non-structural institution under and responsible to the President. BRG is established through Presidential Regulation No. 1 of 2016, on 6 January 2016. BRG works specifically, systematically, directed, integrated and comprehensive to accelerate the recovery and restoration of damaged hydrological functions of peat mainly from fires and drains.

In line with the mandate, BRG’s task is to coordinate and facilitate peat restoration in Riau Province, Jambi Province, South Sumatra Province, West Kalimantan Province, Central Kalimantan Province, South Kalimantan Province and Papua Province. Through work programs that have been established namely; Peat Wetting, Revegetation, Livelihoods Revitalization, Peat Concern Village, and Young Generation Concerned Peatlands Village (GMPDGS).

In line with BRG’s work program, the Law No. 6 of 2014 on Village and Permendesa No. 4 of 2015 on Village Bureau of Village (BUM Desa) is then considered to be a factor capable of supporting the implementation of BRG’s work, especially Livelihoods and Village Livelihoods Revitalization Program Caring for Peat. Through the establishment of BUMDesa in the target area of BRG peat restoration.

Related to this, under Deputy Education, Socialization and Partnership (Deputy III), BRG then designs a series of capacity building activities for rural communities in the target area of restoration, one of which is the Formation Training of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa). In the year 2017, BRG involves Penabulu Foundation to train 75 assisted villages in Peat Concern Village program from 3 regions (Sumatera, Kalimantan and Papua) targeted for peat restoration.


This program is supported by Badan Restorasi Gambut Republik Indonesia (BRG), with total funding support of IDR 153.600.000,-