Indonesia Business Council For Sustainable Development (IBCSD)

Contract NO. K31/KONTRAK-CRU/VII/2017

Rp 1.928.400.000,-

August 21, 2017 – June 20, 2018


Through this Program, Penabulu Foundation and Indonesia Business Council For Sustainable Development (IBCSD) work together with the following program objectives:

  1. Disseminating picture of corporate cost estimation in conflict management in land-based sector in Indonesia;
  2. Developing best practice guidelines for corporations in conflict management in the land-based sector;
  3. Reminding the understanding, skills and internal capacity of corporate institutions in handling conflicts in land-based sectors;
  4. Improving corporate operational standards in conflict management and resolution in land-based sectors;
  5. Developing learning groups and learning platforms for corporate human resources engaged in land-based sectors.


This program is supported by Indonesia Business Council For Sustainable Development (IBCSD), with total funding support of Rp 1.928.400.000,-