Global Affairs Canada

IDR. 457,902,500

September, 20 2023 – August 01, 2024


In 2021, Indonesia experienced a significant increase in cases of gender-based violence. According to the report by the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan), the number of gender-based violence cases increased by 50%, reaching a total of 338,496 cases, compared to 226,062 cases in 2020. This report highlights an 80% surge in gender-based violence cases reported in general, including a 52% increase in cases recorded by religious courts.

Meanwhile, the Kepulauan Mentawai Regency, located in West Sumatra Province, also faced similar challenges. According to the “Profile Book of Women and Children in the Kepulauan Mentawai Regency” published by the local government, there were a total of 17 cases of violence against women during 2021, especially affecting children under the age of 18. However, these statistics are believed to not encompass unreported cases due to limited awareness in the community about gender-based violence.

Factors contributing to the increase in gender-based violence include inadequate capacity at the local government level, social and cultural norms that support gender inequality, and geographical barriers that hinder case management. Local government efforts, such as the establishment of the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) and the use of the digital SILAPAK application, are disrupted by limited knowledge and capacity among local government officials and volunteers. The dominant patriarchal norms in the Kepulauan Mentawai give primary power to men, influencing their dominance in various aspects of life, including political leadership and roles within households. The geographical location of the Kepulauan Mentawai adds complexity to providing assistance and support to gender-based violence victims across various main islands.

The objective of this project is to reduce violence against women and girls in the Kepulauan Mentawai Regency, with the following outcomes:

  1. Enchacing women and children’s access to essential, safe, and adequate multi-sectoral services to combat violence against them.
  2. Establishing necessary policies, regulations, and enforcement measures to measures to safeguard women and children from violence at the village level.
  3. Strengthening the capacity of 100 Volunteers of SAPA (Friends of Women and Children) across three villages to act as agents of change for implementing the DRPPA model in the Mentawai Islands District; and.
  4. Formulating a community engagement mechanism within women’s and youth groups to provide assistance to victims of violence.


This program is supported by Global Affairs Canada, period September 20, 2023 –  August 1, 2024 with a total funding support of 457,902,500,- located in the Kepulauan Mentawai Regency, West Sumatra.