Oxfam America


USD 275,000

January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2026


Indonesia is one of the countries frequently facing numerous natural disasters such as floods, tidal waves, droughts, riverbank erosion, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, and landslides. These disasters cause significant damage to human lives and homes, with the most severe impact on the poorest and most marginalized communities. Women, in particular, face substantial challenges and burdens due to their social roles and responsibilities, limited capacity in disaster management, and restricted access to resources, making them more vulnerable to frequent disasters.

Oxfam, together with its partners, has implemented a program in four countries, including Indonesia, to reduce the disaster impact on the most marginalized communities. The first phase took place from October 2020 to December 2023. The new phase, running from January 2024 to December 2026, aims to build upon and strengthen the achievements, experiences, and lessons learned by Oxfam and its partners during the implementation of the current MACP grant: Strengthening Community Preparedness, Rapid Response, and Recovery in Asia 2020-2023, also known as the ‘Asia Community Disaster Preparedness and Transformation (ACT) Program.’ The proposed project’s objective is to enhance the capacity of vulnerable communities and local humanitarian actors to prepare for, manage, and mitigate disaster risks by improving access to early warning systems, protecting livelihoods, and sharing knowledge and lessons on disaster preparedness and response to facilitate replication, scaling, and sustainability.

ACT II Project, supported by Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP), is currently being implemented in the Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal, and Bangladesh, with the goal of achieving four key outcomes:

  1. Capacity Development: By the end of the project, up to 87 vulnerable communities in four Asian countries and Oxfam’s local humanitarian partners will be able to implement disaster risk reduction activities (from preparedness to response) to save lives and livelihoods in the event of a disaster.
  2. Asset Protection: By the end of the project, up to 87 vulnerable communities in four Asian countries will have access to diverse livelihoods and external resources.
  3. Knowledge and Learning: By the end of the project, Oxfam, local partners, communities, national actors, and other stakeholders will have generated and shared, both internally and externally, their knowledge on disaster preparedness and anticipatory action gained through the project.
  4. Emergency Response Fund: By the end of the project, local actors will have enhanced their capacity to lead anticipatory and small-scale disaster response actions through access to the Emergency Response Fund (ERF), ensuring that crisis-affected populations receive timely and effective humanitarian assistance.


This program is supported Oxfam America, period program January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2026 with total funding support of USD 275,000