Swaniti Initiative

USD 40.000

January 2025 – May 2025


The collaboration between Swaniti Initiative (SI) and Penabulu Foundation aims to support Indonesia’s energy transition through a community-based approach. This partnership, initiated in January 2025, focuses on gaining an in-depth understanding of available climate budgets, community aspirations, and effective pathways to align government and community priorities. The project emphasizes equal ownership and decision-making, ensuring both organizations share responsibilities for its success.

The primary objective of this proect is to enhance accessibility to public funding for energy transition. By mapping relevant government programs and examining current climate budget allocations, the project seeks to explore inclusive budget planning models. Additionally, the project aims to identify community aspirations related to energy transition through surveys, focus group discussions (FGDs), and in-depth interviews. These efforts will highlight gaps between community aspirations and current budget allocations, ultimately providing actionable recommendations to bridge those gaps.

The project is structured into three main phases. The initial phase focuses on foundational research and methodology preparation, including developing survey instruments and discussion guidelines. The second phase delves into comprehensive research on community aspirations and government-community interactions. Activities in this phase include surveying 200-300 individuals per district and conducting 4-6 FGDs in each target area. Findings from this phase will be analyzed to facilitate further discussions with government officials regarding the alignment of priorities.

In the final phase, a comprehensive report and presentation will be developed based on the program’s findings. The report’s public release and associated presentations are scheduled for May 2025, engaging governments, stakeholders, and the wider community. This report is expected to serve as a critical reference for designing inclusive and sustainable energy transition funding strategies.

Through this collaborative approach, the project not only fosters a deeper understanding of funding mechanisms and community aspirations for energy transition but also facilitates constructive dialogue between governments and communities. In doing so, it contributes to sustainable development driven by participation and transparency, creating an inclusive energy management model for the future.


This program is supported by Swaniti Initiative, the program period is January 2025 – May 2025 with total funding support of USD 40,000.