Global Environment Facility/Small Grants Program (GEF/SGP)

IDR 775,750,000

June 15, 2024 – July 15, 2025


The “Development of Small-Scale Business Financing Schemes for Marginalized Communities Affected by Climate Change” (TM Fund) project aims to provide alternative and inclusive financing services for marginalized communities in Indonesia, especially women, young people and rural communities. This group often faces major obstacles in accessing formal financial services due to a lack of assets to use as collateral, no credit history, and remote locations. Penabulu Foundation, which has experience since 2002 in empowering civil society organizations and developing loan products, is working with SGP GEF and various other parties to overcome this problem. This project focuses on strengthening local economic resilience through providing community-based financing schemes and increasing financial literacy for small-scale businesses that contribute to conservation and climate change mitigation.

In its implementation, TM Fund will build and operate alternative financing services effectively for small-scale businesses, raise long-term financial support from various parties, and increase community business income through financial literacy and financing support. Penabulu Foundation, which has a track record in assisting community groups on various commodities such as spices, coffee and aquaculture, will develop and expand the scope of TM Fund services to ensure sustainability and positive impacts for marginalized communities affected by climate change. Thus, this project is expected to be able to support green economic growth, reduce poverty, create job opportunities, and improve social welfare in communities that need it most.


This program is supported by the Global Environment Facility/Small Grants Program (GEF/SGP), program period June 15, 2024 – July 15, 2025 with total financial support of IDR 775,750,000.