Dinas Pertanian Provinsi Maluku Utara

120.22/054/MU/2021 & 002/PENABULU-MALUKU UTARA/I/2021

IDR 2.116.980.000

January 2021 – December 2021


North Maluku is a province that is very much taken into account in national development, especially from the agricultural sector. Plantation products and spices from North Maluku are very potential products in national trade, both domestic trade and trade between countries. The dominance of spice plants in North Maluku such as nutmeg and cloves, as well as coconut plantations are still maintained and become a source of livelihood for the community. In addition, these products are export-oriented and traded in international markets. However, in the data on the Automatic Quarantine System (IQFAST) of the Ternate Quarantine Agency in 2018, the high uptake of nutmeg, cloves and coconut (copra) from Maluku was not comparable to the level of welfare of farmers and planters. This is due to the less strong position and bargaining power of spice-producing farmers and planters than buyers (in this case collectors or business actors in the midfield) who have more power in determining prices. The absence of price standards and quality check references has made business actors in the midfield set prices which are not transparent. In addition, until now farmers and planters as producers of commodities and the Regional Government as the responsibility for the region do not know for sure the final destination of the commodities absorbed from North Maluku. Another situation faced is that farmers and planters do not have access to capital if they want to diversify their products.

Based on this situation, the Government must be present to protect the sustainability of North Maluku’s superior commodities and protect people’s lives. In encouraging economic improvement and improvement in the agricultural and plantation sectors, multi-stakeholder involvement is needed, namely between the Government as policy makers and providers of services and infrastructure, farmers and small traders as owners of raw materials, and medium and large scale business actors as intermediaries to consumers. Thus, the North Maluku Provincial Agriculture Office and Penabulu Foundation initiated a program that could synergize cross-sectoral strength and multi-stakeholder cooperation, namely the Export Orientation Movement for Prosperous People (GOSORA). This program intends to protect agricultural and plantation commodity farmers through improving the quality and competitiveness of products, so that policies are needed to regulate the governance and trading of superior commodities in the agricultural sector from upstream to downstream. Through GOSORA, there is support for efforts to strengthen the local economy for communities (farmers) in North Maluku through an institutionalized system. Philosophically, GOSORA is the local language for calling nutmeg. The use of these acronyms is aimed at maintaining local values. So, it is hoped that this program can be implemented more easily because there is local wisdom as the basis for its initiation.

The objectives of the launch of GOSORA are:

  1. Strengthening the potential of agricultural and plantation commodities throughout North Maluku;
  2. Improve the quality of commodities and the competitiveness of agricultural and plantation products in North Maluku;
  3. Protecting the sustainability of the production of superior agricultural and plantation commodities in North Maluku;
  4. Improve the welfare of farmers and planters in North Maluku.

The steps that can be taken to implement GOSORA are as follows:

  1. To determine the quality and traceability of superior commodities in each regency / city in North Maluku;
  2. Developing a smallholder corporation institutional model to support the empowerment of the local economy based on plantation products.


This program is supported by Dinas Pertanian Provinsi Maluku Utara based on documents no. 120.22/054/MU/2021 and no. 002/PENABULU-MALUKU UTARA/I/2021, dated January 12, 2021 with total funding support of Rp 2.116.980.000,-