The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Grant #2024-77150

USD 72.000

July 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025


Tanah Papua faces major challenges in developing the capacity of local Civil Society Organization (CSO) staff. Access to capacity development activities is very limited because there are almost no service providers operating in this region. Geographical conditions and limited modes of transportation, coupled with high travel costs, make capacity building training difficult to carry out. Meanwhile, online training also faces serious obstacles such as unstable internet connections, time zone differences, and limited supporting equipment. As a result, online training methods are often ineffective in increasing the capacity of local CSOs which are still at a basic level.

Lingkar Madani phase 2 held offline training in Jayapura on 7-8 March 2023 with the theme of improving skills and strategies for involving CSOs, attended by 23 participants from 20 local CSOs. This training shows that the face-to-face method is more effective, allowing participants to study intensively, conduct questions and answers and have personal discussions. To support further capacity development, Lingkar Madani phase 3 proposes three face-to-face trainings in Tanah Papua. This training is designed to cover organizational strategic planning, strategic financial management, and other basic training which is expected to increase the capacity and effectiveness of local CSOs in providing services to the community.


This program is supported by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, program period 1 July 2024 – 31 August 2025 with total financial support of USD 72,000.