Funded by
Oxfam Great Britain
EUR 72,230
November 11, 2024 – April 30, 2025
The Deep Dive Assessment on Human Rights and Women’s Safety in Tea, Indonesia is a research initiative designed to identify, analyze, and provide recommendations on human rights and women’s safety issues within Indonesia’s tea industry. This project is a collaboration between Oxfam GB and the Penabulu Foundation. Running from November 11, 2024, to April 30, 2025, the project aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of the working conditions of female workers in the tea sector, including the challenges they face, existing corporate policies, and the socio-economic factors that impact their well-being.
The primary focus of this project is to conduct an in-depth assessment of labor practices and protections for women in tea plantations. The study will explore key factors affecting female workers, such as fair wages, access to healthcare and welfare services, protection mechanisms against violence and harassment, and the extent to which corporate policies promote gender equality. Additionally, the project will evaluate how well tea companies and other relevant stakeholders have implemented human rights principles throughout their supply chains.
To achieve its objectives, the project will employ a comprehensive data collection approach. The research team will conduct in-depth interviews with female workers, plantation management, and key stakeholders to capture diverse perspectives on the issues at hand. Field surveys will also be conducted to gather quantitative data on working conditions, employment policies, and worker perceptions of their work environment. Moreover, a desk research approach will be used to analyze existing policies, legal frameworks, and previous reports relevant to Indonesia’s tea industry.
This program is supported by Oxfam Great Britain, period program 11November 11, 2024 – April 30, 2025 with total funding support of EUR 72,230