Papuan Women and Children Empowerment Study Institute (LP3A-P)

Cooperation Agreement No.36/V/LP3A-P/2024

IDR. 215,650,000

May 28, 2024 – July 30, 2024


The Papuan Women and Children’s Empowerment Study Institute (LP3A-P) is an organization whose mission is to carry out advocacy, empowerment, information networks, research and studies, as well as legal defense of the rights of women and children in Papua. Carrying the vision of realizing a Papuan society that is just and gender equal, LP3A-P is committed to the principles of justice and gender equality, democracy, human rights, non-violence and independence.

In 2022, LP3A-P has the opportunity to receive support from the OE Packard Foundation in the framework of developing and strengthening organizational capacity, especially in the Financial Management, Organizational Management (OD/ID) and Fundraising Strategy Development sectors. In this project, the Penabulu Foundation in collaboration with LP3A-P aims to provide LP3A-P’s financial and institutional management capacity. Intervention strategies that will be carried out for a series of reinforcements LP3A-P capacity is as follows:

  1. Financial Management Assistance
    1. Review and refine the Organization’s Operational Standards and Financial Procedures
    2. Preparation of Organizational Financial Reports
    3. Finance for non-finance training
  2. Organizational Development (OD/ID)


This program is supported by LP3A-P, program period 28 May 2024 – 30 July 2024 with total funding support of IDR. 215,650,000,-.