Agreement No.72049723CA00004 (amendement)

IDR 1.825.674.229

Jully, 11 2023 – September,30 2024


With an incidence rate of 354 per 100,000 in 2021, Indonesia ranks second among countries with a high burden of TB. This is due to the challenges Indonesia faces, such as a lack of coordination between the government and private healthcare systems, resulting in many undetected patients, low active case detection, low-quality primary healthcare services (puskesmas), lack of integration in TB services, and limited community participation in TB control and prevention. To address these chronic challenges – which are not unique to TB programmes – the Indonesian government recognises the need for a more holistic, integrated approach to the health system, with a focus on decentralisation and resilience.

BEBAS-TB is responding to this situation with an approach designed to fill critical gaps in Indonesia’s TB programme by aligning the entire health system – both public and private – to achieve more integrated, coordinated, high-quality TB prevention and services. It empowers the community to actively participate in advocacy, implementation and accountability. The project engages private service providers, catalyses meaningful coordination and collaboration with community health systems, targets high-risk populations, implements patient-centred approaches, strengthens puskesmas and diagnostic networks for drug-sensitive (DS) and drug-resistant (DR) TB, and promotes community engagement. It also strengthens the WHO’s Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health framework by extending the WHO Multisectoral Accountability Framework for TB to provinces and districts, creating an effective and interlinked system involving private sector, government and civil society organisations to plan, budget, mobilise resources and conduct monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for accountability at all levels. The aim of BEBAS-TB is to support the Indonesian government in tackling the TB epidemic and achieving the goal of eliminating TB by 2030.

Yayasan Penabulu is one of the consortium members of BEBAS-TB, focusing on improving the quality of TB services and community participation in development activities. The project duration is 5 years (2023-2028) and covers 4 provinces: East Java, Central Java, West Java and North Sumatra.


This program is supported by USAID, period is Jully, 11 2023 – September, 30 2024 with total funding support of IDR 1.825.674.229