Mercy Corps Indonesia Foundation


IDR 1,622,474,536

February 28, 2020 – July 31, 2021


In close collaboration with the Provincial and District Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) the program works with vulnerable smallholder farmers in two sub districts, namely Lindu and Kulawi Sub-Districts in Sigi District to promote livelihood interventions that are more resilient against floods, landslides, droughts, soil erosion and the effects of climate change.

MRED Program will work in two sub-districts namely Kulawi and Lindu with the target of 2000 vulnerable households from 5 villages and 25 sub villages; however, the final selection of beneficiaries will be based on further assessment, and in coordination with other NGOs, government and other relevant actors including the livelihood working group, where available.

The Purpose of the partnership will be:

  1. Assist YMCI to coordinate with local disaster management actors on program-related activities;
  2. Socialize program with target communities and lead the social or community mobilization to conduct program activities;
  3. Support YMCI in the community selection process based on the partner’s prior experience in the geography;
  4. Provide contextual information to YMCI to avoid duplication and establish synergies with ongoing DRR program in MRED proposed geographies;
  5. Facilitate institutional building of Disaster Management structure at the village and Sub Villages level or work with existing structure in case the disaster management structure already exists;
  6. Lead the Village and Sub Villages level disaster/climate resilience assessment using participatory disaster risk assessment and facilitate the preparation of the Integrated Community Action Plan;
  7. Link Kampung with Village Development planning process to leverage technical and financial resources to implement plans identified in Community Action Plans;
  8. Facilitate preparation of community disaster contingency plan and response structure e.g. Task Force;
  9. Where schools in target communities are identified as extremely vulnerable to low-attention disasters, MRED Indonesia will work with school-based disaster mechanisms to increase their capacity and preparedness through School-Based Disaster Reduction Management [Safe Schools]. Emphasis will be on awareness raising, school-based contingency plans and disaster simulations;
  10. Build capacity of Village and Sub Villages level Disaster Management Committees.


This program was supported by the Mercy Corps Indonesia Foundation dated February 17, 2020 which was then extended dated September 25, 2020 until July 31, 2021 with funding support of IDR 1,622,474,536