Stichting SIMAVI

Contract Number: SHAW 3409001, dated 25 April 2013.

Budget: IDR 65,775,000 dan IDR 223.450.000,00 for the second periond (program extended).

Program period: from 23 April 2013 until 31 August 2013, and continued as of 1 April 2014 until 15 July 2014.


The Masyarakat Peduli Foundation (YMP) is an NGO that was established in 2001 with a vision to increase rural community awareness, especially women in Selong, East Lombok, NTB, which has been supported by SIMAVI as a major donor. The aim of this program is to improve financial management systems in cash management, procurement; to develop the financial skills required; increase competency of project staffs, with a focus on data and evidence based decision making; as well as to understand the structure and objectives of financial reporting, and project budgeting and accountability issues in project management.

The main activities conducted in 2013 include:

  • Assessment on the capacity status and financial management capacity building needs;
  • Capacity building for institution financial management through the development of Finance SOP;
  • Assisting the preparation of financial reporting for institutional auditing and reporting in accordance with PSAK 45; and
  • Assisting the audit process.

Meanwhile the activities conducted in 2014 include:

  • Preparation of financial reporting and assistance during the 2013 audit process;
  • Monitor the implementation of roles, in accordance to the derived description and organizational structure;
  • Financial staff training and workshop on Financial SOP and bookkeeping process in accordance with PSAK 45; and
  • Increase awareness on the importance of task delegation in an organization through the process of facilitating the Strategic Plan and development of program/project management system, including a guide to monitor and evaluate program/project implementation.


This program is conducted with the support of Stichting SIMAVI based on contract number SHAW 3409001 dated 25 April 2013, with a total budget of IDR 65,775,000 with a period starting from 23 April 2013 until 31 August 2013. The support is extended with the same contract number, starting from 1 April 2014 until 15 July 2014, with a total budget of IDR 223,450,000.