Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA) – Kalimantan


Period program: March 1, 2017 – April 29, 2020


This program facilitates communities around the forest area in the district of Berau, East Kalimantan to try to find, build and develop something of HHBK products that have ethnic values ​​(local cultural entities) that have bargaining position and product competitiveness. To realize a business based on sustainable utilization of HHBK by taking into account cultural values ​​and conservation. With the achievements of the community is able to manage the potential of non-timber forest products in a sustainable, innovative and sustainable manner.

Support of institutional aspect of business at Sentra HHBK will be strengthened with 3-4 HHBK production cooperatives at sub-district level consisting of farmer / harvester community of HHBK. At the level of production co-operatives, the project will carry out a series of community capacity building from the group level and production co-operatives that will respond specifically to the problems and constraints that have been encountered.

Intensive training and assistance will be facilitated by projects starting from Upstream Sector ie cultivation techniques (enrichment of raw material sources) and sustainable harvesting. The Central Sector is divided into two aspects:

1) Strengthening aspects of harvesting groups such as increased production based on quality management and food security, provision of facilities and infrastructure supporting production and post-harvest processing equipment, and the use of appropriate technology for post-harvest processing.

2) Strengthening aspect of production cooperative such as strengthening of cooperative institution, cooperative finance, preparation of bussiness plan and investment analysis.

Downstream sectors of the project facilitate assistance for production co-operatives formed in the acquisition of marketing access products and access to capital acquisition kelembagan cooperative. It is expected that at the end of the project, the utilization of NTFPs can be managed more sustainably and sustainably.

Assisting Partner:

Assisting partner in this program, is:

BOGOR: Yayasan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Hutan Indonesia (NTFP-EP Indonesia)

PURWOKERTO: Lembaga Penenlitin dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan Hidup (LPPSLH)


This program is supported by the TFCA-Kalimantan,  with a total bugdet of  IDR,- with program starting from March, 1 2017 – April, 29 2020.