Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL)

No. 001A/SP/LTKL-TEA/VIII/2020

IDR 2.800.000.000,-

August 2020 – July 2021


Regional Elections (Pemilihan Kepala Daerah/Pilkada) in 2020 will take place. There are 270 regions consisting of 9 provinces in 224 districts and 37 cities that will hold Pilkada. This political cycle will determine the “fate of these regions” over the next five years. Because in order to continue the implementation of regional development, elected regional heads are required to prepare a Regional Medium Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah/RPJMD) 2021-2025 as an elaboration of their vision and mission.

the implementation of national development emphasizes on a sustainable development approach, as well as regional development. Sustainable development is a development process that optimizes the use of resources to improve people’s welfare in fulfilling their interests without sacrificing the ability of future generations. This agenda is to answer the demands of world leadership in overcoming poverty, inequality and climate change in the form of concrete actions.

The implementation of the concept of sustainable regional development is still a homework to be implemented. The application of this concept requires the support of human resources who have an understanding of it. This includes the Regional Government and its staff, always those who facilitate development in their regions. In addition to human resource capacity, regional policies that are based on the concept of sustainable development are also needed.

Traction in collaboration with the Penabulu Foundation. through the collaboration of experiences, knowledge, issues to be fought for, and human resources owned by each institution, it becomes a belief to be involved in efforts to implement the concept of sustainable development in regional development planning.


This program is supported by Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) based document Agreement No. 001A/SP/LTKL-TEA/VIII/2020 dated on August 18, 2020 with total funding support of IDR 2.800.000.000,-