Yayasan Kurawal

No. 0023/NPS/KRWL/IX/2022

Rp. 95.000.000

October 01, 2022 – November 10, 2022


The existence of the Civic Space Sub Working Group at the C20 is part of an effort to place challenges to democracy, especially strengthening civil liberties, as an agenda that needs to be discussed at the G20. Global economic and financial stability is also determined by the quality of democracy in which civil society is an important actor.

The C20 Summit 2022 will take place in Bali on 5-7 October 2022. Bali is a region that, despite its serenity and beauty, holds various potential social conflicts. The factor of the tourism industry which is the main component of economic growth versus the issue of environmental sustainability is a dampened dynamic in the beauty of tourism promotion. we organized this activity a workshop to reflect on the knowledge possessed by civil society networks outside Jakarta; especially in legal aid organizations, students, and the environment.

The Penabulu Foundation has been appointed as a Partner on Friday 30 September 2022 to explore knowledge and understanding of local partners in Bali in order to gain lessons (“lesson learned”) to improve methods and various approaches to maximize the protection and expansion of civic space in Indonesia.

The objectives of this activity are:

  1. Gain first-hand knowledge of civic space issues in the local context;
  2. Obtain input for future modalities for learning approaches and management of public space issues for regional & national levels;
  3. Obtain input regarding the continuity of understanding between public space issues that occur at the site level versus the narrative that takes place in the implementation of the C20 Summ;
  4. Compile compiled knowledge regarding the initiative to form the Civic Space Sub Working Group and the level of site knowledge regarding this issue in a complete document as initial reading for preparation for the formation of the upcoming C20 Working Group in India and Brazil; and
  5. Conducted meetings with Indian CSOs to ensure the continuity of the advocacy and lobbying work that had been carried out by the Civic Space Indonesia Sub Working Group.

The output of this activity is the holding of workshops and the presence of the sub-WG Civic Space at the C20 Summit Bali. The outcome of this activity is shared learning on the knowledge of civil society networks at the regional level on civic space issues which will become capital for building advanced knowledge at the national level and the sustainability of the next C20 presidency


Kurawal Foundation, based on document No. 0023/NPS/KRWL/IX/2022, period October 01, 2022 – November 10,  2022 with a total budget of IDR 95,000,000, Bali location.