Funded by
Yayasan Globalisasi Seamaul Indonesia
IDR. 139.300.000
May 27, 2022 – June 12, 2022
The village is the smallest entity of the state that is directly related to the welfare needs of the community. The issuance of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning villages seeks to realize an independent and autonomous village life in the management of government and society. Villages also have the authority to regulate resources and development directions in accordance with applicable laws. Currently, almost every village has a Village Owned Enterprise (BUM Desa) which plays a role as one of the managers of the village economy through developing the village’s superior potential that comes from the local potential of the village. However, local potentials managed by BUMDes are sometimes not optimal or even seem forced to fulfill policy requirements by the central government. In addition, there are many potential villages that are not appointed as business units developed by BUMDes, the impact from the practical side and the capacity of the managers are still minimal.
The dynamics of rural areas in Indonesia have attracted the attention of various parties, ranging from educational institutions, companies through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), to non-governmental organizations at the local, national and international levels. The village empowerment model is carried out with various approaches and values strengthening processes in the process of building rural character as a center of strength for rural development. Since 2015 the Saemaul Globalization Foundation (SGF) has collaborated with the Penabulu Foundation in an effort to build a shared vision and mission with villages in the DIY region which aims to develop independence, equality, respect and respect for human values and local wisdom of rural communities, especially in terms of Cooperation (gotong royong) and self-reliance to strengthen governance and village community empowerment, especially in 3 pilot villages namely Bleberan and Ponjong Villages in Gunungkidul Regency and Sumbermulya Village in Bantul Regency.
The villages / Kalurahan recommended by the DIY Regional Government are in the Kapanewon / Nanggulan sub-district, totaling 6. To obtain data on the condition of the 6 prospective YGSI partner villages, a baseline survey is needed so that the right village can be obtained to become the “Saemaul Pilot Village” in Indonesia
Global Seamaul Indonesia Foundation, based on the SPK-YGSI-PBYK-26052022 document, period Mei 27, 2022 until June 12, 2022 with a total budget of IDR. 139,300,000