Funded by
Contract number: ID 192H01 dated 11 August 2009.
Total budget: EUR 41,680.
Program period starts from 1 August 2009 until 31 July 2011.
HIVOS ROSEA has supported the implementation of the capacity building of financial management of non-profit organizations in Indonesia through the development of networking link of financial adminstrators based on the belief that involvement of all stakeholders is key to success for the efforts to improve performance of financial management of non-profit organizations in Indonesia. The efforts is not only promoted by regulators, donors, or capacity builders, but also involves all stakeholders, which include: auditors, tax offices, all components of the organization, and certainly the active participation of the financial administrators of the non-profit organizations themselves.
This effort is conducted through the development of online communities, organizing of financial discussion forums, organizing workshops/seminars on finance and development of practical literacy of financial management of non-profit organizations in Indonesia. The result of this still running program is the construction of website, an online media reference and community discussion of NGO financial administrators.
This program is supported by HIVOS ROSEA through contract number ID 192H01 dated 11 August 2009 with total funding of EUR 41,680 for a program period from 1 August 2009 until 31 July 2011.