Archive for year: 2023
Development of Waste Management Ecosystem Towards Carbon Trade in the Framework of Green Economy (SWAKELOLA Tipe III)
/in Program Berjalan/by Admin PenabuluResponsive and Adaptive Hub to Increase the Effectiveness of Packard’s CSO Partners in Indonesia
/in Program Berjalan/by Admin PenabuluYouth Food Systems Dialogue and Movement 2023 : Promoting Local Knowledge for Sustainable Food Systems in Indonesia
/in Program Berjalan/by Admin PenabuluThe Indonesia And Asean Field Support Services Project (FSSP) Local Development Initiatives (LDI)
/in Program Berjalan/by Admin PenabuluWomen and Vulnerable Group Benefited and Lead on Transformative and Just Energy Transition in Indonesia (WE for JET Indonesia) Project.
/in Program Berjalan/by Admin PenabuluTogether Towards Elimination and Free from TB_ USAID BEBAS-TB YEAR 1 “Community Participation In Implementing Development Activities”
/in Program Lalu/by Admin PenabuluPenabulu’s Transformative Changes toward Oxfam Indonesia – Unfreezing Phase
/in Program Berjalan/by Admin PenabuluPenabulu Foundation
The Penabulu Foundation was established in 2003 as an independent non-profit organization, built on local initiatives and resources, dedicated to the vision of an empowered civil society that ensures full respect for human rights and humanitarian principles, democratic resilience, and the expansion of civic space; to fight injustice and structural poverty in Indonesia. Penabulu plays a role as a Civil Society Resource Organization (CSRO) through the mobilization of resources in any form, managing and distributing resources, capacity strengthening, and enabling ecosystems for the work of Indonesian civil society in the agendas of climate justice, gender justice, socio-economic, universal healthcare coverage, and humanitarian action.
Since the end of November 2023, Penabulu as a locally-rooted national organization has received Prospective Affiliate status from Oxfam International with a transition period of two years thereafter, before fully becoming Indonesia's representative in the confederation as Penabulu Oxfam (Oxfam Indonesia). Becoming part of the global Oxfam network will provide more opportunities and strengthen Penabulu's role as a local organization for the empowerment of Indonesian civil society, connected to the global movement to fight poverty and injustice based on the belief that the future is equal.
Komplek Palapa, Jalan Palapa 2 No.4 , RT.11/RW.5,
Pasar Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan 12520
t & f: (021) 22708103
Joint Office with Oxfam in Indonesia
Jl. Marga Satwa Raya I Blok Gotong Royong 2 No.26A, RT.5/RW.1, Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12540
t & f: (021) 7811827
Community Consortium Office with STPI
Jl. H. Saidi III No.15, RT.10/RW.2, Cipete Selatan, Kec. Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan 12410
t & f: (021) 7656888
Branch Office 1
Jalan Bunga Cempaka no.62A, Cipete Selatan, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, 16340
t & f: (021) 7664964