Vital Strategies

IDR. 151.826.428

September 01, 2023 – March 31, 2025


In Indonesia, the Civil Registration & Vital Statistics (CRVS) system has significant challenges in terms of data completeness and accuracy. In 2012, the birth registration rate stood at 66.6%, and although it has increased to 72% in recent years, there are still a large number of unregistered children under five. Death registration is also low, with only 10% registered. Indonesia’s CRVS system is complex, involving multiple ministries and mechanisms. Coordination across this complex system can be challenging, slowing progress and resulting in low quality vital statistics and low utilisation of key event data by other sectors of government.

The Government of Indonesia recognises the importance of CRVS reform in poverty reduction efforts. Accurate birth registration provides the foundation for legal identity, access to basic services, and protection. Although previous efforts focussed more on birth registration, attention is now also being paid to aspects of death registration and other vital statistics. One of the main objectives of the CRVS National Strategy is to provide accurate, comprehensive, and timely vital statistics data for development planning and implementation.

One of the objectives of the CRVS National Strategy is to provide accurate and comprehensive vital statistics. The project sought the support of a fiscal agent to support the Ministry of Health. Penabulu is one such agency that has experience in managing grants and providing administrative support and strategic planning. Penabulu will manage the grant provided by Vital Strategies, Penabulu will be responsible for organising and managing financial payments related to planned services and activities in accordance with the work plan agreed by Vital Strategies. This includes general accounting, processing invoices, managing sub-contracts where applicable, and providing support in recording and reporting on the financial aspects of the project.


This program is supported by Vital Strategies, period September 01, 2023 – March 31, 2025 with a total funding support of IDR. 151.826.428,-