Saemaul Globalization Foundation (SGF)

Memorandum of Understanding (dated September 30, 2015)

Total budget: KRW 400,000,000,-

Period program: 1 October 2015 – 30 September 2020


The general objective of this program is to support sustainable, balanced, and sustainable rural development based on resources and potential of the the village, in the spirit of diligence, hard work, self-reliance and mutual cooperation, to realize a better life.

The specific objectives of this program are:

  1. To strengthen governance and rural government institutions, especially in the planning, implementation, reporting and monitoring of rural development based on UU No. 6/2014 about the village,
  2. Strengthening transparency and accountability of administrative and financial management of the village,
  3. Strengthening participation, and self-reliance of rural communities in the rural development process,
  4. To improve the condition of the environment and public infrastructure in the village,
  5. Strengthening the economy of rural communities and developing models of social business in community; through the development and management of cooperatives and village-owned enterprises (Badan Usama Milik Desa – BUMDes),
  6. The sustainable use of the natural resources owned by the village,
  7. To increase the capacity and empower community groups, especially women and youth,
  8. Preserve and develop the arts, traditions and culture of the village.


This program is supported by Saemaul Globalization Foundation (SGF) based on Memorandum of Understanding dated September 30, 2015, with total funding support of KRW 80,000,000,-.