Penyaluran Dana Result Based Payment (RBP) Program Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund Tingkat Nasional

Integrasi Jaringan Perawatan Kesehatan Primer melaluiPeningkatan Kualitas Layanan, Penguatan Kebijakan yang Mendukung, dan Memperkuat Kerangka Institusional Di Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan Banten (INTEGRASI)

Strengthen Civic Space and Enhance the Enabling Environment and Capacity of Networked Local CSOs To Promote a Just and Inclusive Green Transition in Indonesia (CO-EVOLVE 2)

Pengembangan Ekosistem Pengelolaan Sampah Menuju Carbon Trade Dalam Rangka Menuju Ekonomi Hijau (SWAKELOLA TIPE III)

Responsive and Adaptive Hub to Increase the Effectiveness of Packard’s CSO Partners in Indonesia

Youth Food Systems Dialogue and Movement 2023 : Promoting Local Knowledge for Sustainable Food Systems in Indonesia