Pengadaan Individual Konsultan pada Program FCPF Carbon Fund Tingkat Nasional di Direktorat Mobilisasi Sumberdaya Sektoral dan Regional (MS2R) Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK)

Dalam rangka mendukung implementasi program Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund Tingkat Nasional, Yayasan Penabulu sebagai Lembaga Perantara dalam penyaluran dana program Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund Tingkat Nasional , dengan ini kami membuka proses pengadaan Konsultan Individu  pada program FCPF Carbon Fund di Direktorat MS2R, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) dengan rincian sebagai berkut :

No Posisi Kebutuhan
1 Knowledge Management System (Kode : KMS) 1 orang
2 Publikasi dan dokumentasi (Kode : Pusdok) 1 orang
3 Supporting staf (Kode : SS) 1 orang

Surat Pernyataan Berminat yang berupa surat lamaran pekerjaan dan seluruh dokumen lampirannya disampaikan ke email :, dengan subject email : FCPFMS2R (Kode posisi), paling lambat pada tanggal 29 April 2024 pukul 17.00 WIB.

Unduh Kerangka Acuan kerja

  1. Knowledge Management System
  2. Publikasi dan Dokumentasi 
  3. Supporting Staff

Pengadaan Individual Konsultan pada Program FCPF Carbon Fund Tingkat Nasional di Direktorat Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK)

Dalam rangka mendukung implementasi program Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund Tingkat Nasional, Yayasan Penabulu sebagai Lembaga Perantara dalam penyaluran dana program Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund Tingkat Nasional , dengan ini kami membuka proses pengadaan Konsultan Individu Proyek FCPF Carbon Fund di Direktorat Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK), dengan rincian :

No Posisi Kebutuhan
1 Monitoring dan evaluasi (Kode : ME) 1 orang`
2 Project Implementing Manual (Kode : PIM) 1 orang
3 Supporting staf (Kode : SS) 2 orang

Surat Pernyataan Berminat yang berupa surat lamaran pekerjaan dan seluruh dokumen lampirannya disampaikan ke email : dengan subject email : FCPF- MPI (Kode posisi), paling lambat pada tanggal 29 April 2024 pukul 17.00 WIB.

Unduh Kerangka Acuan kerja

  1. Monitoring dan evaluasi
  2. Project Implementing Manual
  3. Supporting staf

Program Manager Gender Justice for Care Connect Project

Program Manager Gender Justice for Care Connect Project

Yayasan Penabulu berdiri di tahun 2002, dan saat ini tengah mengambil peran sebagai Civil Society Resource Organisation (CSRO), dan memilih untuk memfokuskan diri untuk memobilisasi, mengelola, dan menyalurkan sumberdaya dalam berbagai bentuk untuk mendukung kerja masyarakat sipil di Indonesia. Saat ini Penabulu terkoneksi dengan jaringan global dalam Konfederasi Oxfam. Bersama dengan Oxfam Kanada dan Oxfam Philipina, Ekonomi Perawatan (Care Economy) menjadi salah satu tema baru Yayasan Penabulu.

Melalui proyek Care Connect, Penabulu mendefinisikan Care Economy sebagai pekerjaan yang berbayar atau tidak berbayar, seperti; suster balita, perawat lansia, memasak dan bersih-bersih dalam rumah tangga. Proyek ini berdurasi 3 (tiga) tahun, dimulai pada bulan April 2024 dan berakhir pada Januari 2027. Pelaksanaan proyek di Indonesia akan bekerjasama dengan organisasi masyarakat sipil berskala nasional. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan kesejahteraan sosial ekonomi dan penikmatan hak perempuan dan anak perempuan di Indonesia. Pengampu hak utama dalam proyek ini adalah pekerja rumah tangga, pekerja pendidik usia dini, perawat lansia, perawat/relawan kesehatan, dan perawat difabel.

Selain proyek diatas, Yayasan Penabulu berkomitmen untuk bekerja memastikan inklusivitas perempuan dalam ekonomi, sekaligus menyelaraskan pendekatan feminisme (GESI/Gender Equality and Social Inclusion) dalam setiap program dan kegiatan organisasi, dibawah kerangka strategis organisasi.

Yayasan Penabulu mencari pemimpin untuk mengkoordinasikan proyek tersebut diatas, dan untuk memberikan kontribusi terhadap pencapaian misi organisasi berdasarkan kerangka strategis organisasi.

A. Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

Program Manager Gender Justice, bertanggung jawab terhadap :

  1. Misi organisasi terkait promosi inklusivitas perempuan dalam ekonomi dan keadilan;
  2. Keselarasan pendekatan feminisme (GESI) dalam setiap program dan kegiatan organisasi dibawah kerangka strategis organisasi;
  3. Memimpin dan mengkoordinasikan proyek Care Connect, dalam koordinasi Deputy Executive Director Program dan Executive Director Yayasan Penabulu;
  4. Merawat hubungan baik dan komunikasi dengan Konfederasi Oxfam, terutama Oxfam Canada dan Oxfam Philipina, mitra, dan juga pemangku kepentingan lainnya;

B. Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan


  • Memastikan proyek terlaksana, dengan perencanaan yang matang dan inklusif serta sesuai dengan rencana anggaran dan timeline. Program manager akan bekerja bersama dengan deputy eksekutif direktur program, untuk memastikan laporan tersusun secara komprehensif dengan data yang disediakan berdasarkan kerangka MEAL yang disepakati dalam kontrak;
  • Memastikan dokumentasi dan database proyek terupdate secara regular, baik itu narrative kegiatan dan finansial, untuk kepentingan kontrol kualitas;
  • Bertanggung jawab untuk membangun parameter risiko, risk register, dan mitigasi serta risk treatment sepanjang pelaksanaan proyek. Serta memastikan safeguarding dan akuntabilitas terjaga, baik untuk Care Connect internal team dan untuk mitra, dengan menerapkan standar peraturan yang sama sesuai dengan kontrak;
  • Bersama dengan team keuangan, memastikan dokumen verifikasi keuangan tersimpan dengan baik, serta memberlakukan standar pengelolaan keuangan yang sama pada mitra, dengan disertai penguatan kapasitas mitra, dan monitoring mitra terkait pengelolaan keuangan. Program Manager bertanggung jawab memastikan kualitas laporan keuangan auditable dan mendapatkan opini yang baik dalam laporan audit.

II.Kepemimpinan dan Manajerial

  • Bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan Yayasan Penabulu mendapatkan update regular, dan mampu untuk mengimplementasikan dan mendorong program dengan pengetahuan, visibility dan tren pada tema Gender Justice, terutama di area Care Economy, Kepemimpinan Perempuan, dan Penguatan Ekonomi Perempuan (Inclusive Engendered Economy);
  • Bertanggung jawab memastikan Yayasan Penabulu mampu untuk berkontribusi pada agenda regional dan agenda global konfederasi OXFAM, terutama untuk area feminisme dan program yang berkaitan dengan gender justice;
  • Bertanggung jawab untuk berkoordinasi dengan Influencing team Yayasan Penabulu, memimpin dan mengkoordinasikan secara internal dalam membangun strategi advokasi yang berkontribusi pada agenda regional dan global dalam konfederasi OXFAM berkaitan dengan care economy, feminisme dan gender justice;
  • Menjadi representasi Yayasan Penabulu dalam advokasi baik di nasional, regional, maupun global untuk agenda Care Economy, Inclusive Engendered Economy, dan Gender Justice;
  • Memberikan arahan dan dukungan pada team Care Connect Indonesia, untuk memastikan pelaksanaan operasional, administrasi, monitoring dan evaluasi, serta pelaporan proyek berkualitas baik dan akuntabel. Program Manager diharapkan berorientasi pada solusi dalam menyelesaikan masalah, serta memastikan lingkungan kerja mendukung Care Connect Indonesia team mampu melaksanakan tugasnya serta mendapatkan coaching yang cukup untuk pengembangan kapasitas personal team;
  • Mampu berperan strategis dalam mengarahkan dan menjalin hubungan dengan pemangku kepentingan, serta dalam perannya merepresentasikan Penabulu dihadapan pemangku kepentingan;
  • Memastikan visibility untuk proyek telah mempertimbangkan analisis resiko dan kecenderungan pemangku kepentingan dalam kerangka influencing dan advokasi.

C. Kualifikasi

  • Lulusan Universitas, dengan fokus keilmuan: pembangunan, sosiologi, atau ilmu lainnya yang relevan;
  • Minimum berpengalaman tiga tahun dalam membangun desain proyek, pengelolaan program gender justice, dan transformasi kepemimpinan perempuan;
  • Memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang konteks politik, sosial, dan ekonomi dalam hubungannya dengan hak perempuan di Indonesia;
  • Memahami prinsip-prinsip perlindungan, gender mainstreaming, hak perempuan, dan berpengalaman dalam mempromosikan kepemimpinan perempuan;
  • Kuat dalam membangun hubungan interpersonal, dan mampu bekerja dalam lingkungan yang multi budaya dengan latar belakang yang berbeda, memiliki kapasitas untuk diplomasi dan negosiasi;
  • Mampu mendemonstrasikan pengalaman bekerja bersama dengan komunitas;
  • Mampu mendemonstrasikan kapasitas untuk memberikan pelayanan dalam kerangka kerja bersama dengan mitra dan dengan pemangku kepentingan;
  • Memiliki pengetahuan teknis dan pengalaman mengaplikasikan gender dalam pembangunan;
  • Mampu mendemonstrasikan kapasitas bekerja kolaboratif dengan mitra dengan latar belakang yang bervariasi;
  • Memiliki pengalaman yang kuat dalam membangun laporan berkualitas, proposal, dan concept note;
  • Mampu mendemonstrasikan kapasitas influencing dengan kemampuan diplomasi untuk membangun kredibilitas organisasi di berbagai level;
  • Mampu mendemonstrasikan kapasitas analisis dan perencanaan strategis, yang didukung dengan kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi strategi koalisi, konsorsium, atau konfederasi baik pada tingkat nasional, regional, ataupun global;
  • Mampu mendemonstrasikan pengalaman penguatan kapasitas di bidang gender justice untuk organisasi mitra;
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa indonesia baik secara tertulis maupun verbal

Nilai-nilai dan komitmen Yayasan Penabulu

Sebagai perwujudan komitmen Penabulu terhadap keberagaman dan kesetaraan gender, Penabulu mendorong perempuan dan pelamar dari berbagai latar belakang untuk mengajukan lamaran.

Seluruh staff Penabulu dan delegasi Penabulu, wajib untuk mematuhi kode etik dan mendemonstrasikan komitmen atas nilai-nilai dasar Penabulu, diantaranya:

  1. Berkomitmen menghormati hak manusia, perempuan, dan anak, termasuk dengan tidak melakukan pelecehan dan eksploitasi seksual;
  2. Berkomitmen menjaga akuntabilitas dan integritas, termasuk dengan tidak menyalahgunakan wewenang dan atau keuangan;
  3. Berkomitmen untuk mempromosikan kesejahteraan anak-anak, remaja, orang dewasa, dan penerima manfaat yang bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Penabulu.

Bagaimana cara mendaftar?

Silahkan mengirimkan CV dan lamaran ke email Cc ke email  Mohon lengkapi informasi yang diperlukan termasuk kontak pemberi referensi yaitu tiga (3) dari pekerjaan sebelumnya

Selanjutnya, Penabulu akan melakukan penyaringan dengan memperhatikan beberapa aspek dibawah ini:

  1. Dokumen Catatan Kriminal dan pemeriksaan keuangan terkait dengan terorisme;
  2. Pemeriksaan referensi kepada pelamar kerja, dan;
  3. Penilaian reputasi berdasarkan pengalaman kerja yang diperoleh melalui korespondensi dengan tempat kerja sebelumnya.

Dengan mengirimkan lamaran, pelamar telah memahami prosedur rekruitmen dari Yayasan Penabulu,

Tanggal Penutupan

Lowongan ini dibuka hingga tanggal 23 April 2024

Tentang Kami

Penabulu didirikan tahun 2002. Pada awal perjalanannya, Yayasan Penabulu melakukan peningkatan kapasitas bagi organisasi masyarakat sipil di bidang keuangan. Yayasan Penabulu memiliki pengalaman dalam mengembangkan layanan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas di bidang manajemen organisasi, misalnya pembuatan perencanaan strategis dan SOP organisasi. Dalam perkembangannya, Yayasan Penabulu mendorong dirinya untuk berperan sebagai ‘civil society resource organization”. Sebagai CSRO, Yayasan Penabulu mengelola dan mengembangkan kondisi pemungkin untuk mobilisasi sumberdaya domestik bagi organisasi masyarakat sipil. Yayasan Penabulu memiliki jaringan yang luas dengan sekitar 200 organisasi masyarakat sipil di Indonesia untuk implementasi program.

Syarat dan Ketentuan

  • Yayasan Penabulu dapat melakukan pemeriksaan latar belakang terhadap calon/kandidat yang terpilih selama 7  hari kerja;
  • Yayasan Penabulu hanya akan menghubungi kandidat yang terpilih;
  • Yayasan Penabulu tidak bertanggung jawab atas informasi palsu yang didapatkan dari para pelamar;
  • Yayasan Penabulu tidak memungut biaya pembayaran yang berhubungan dengan proses rekrutmen;
  • Harap diketahui bahwa pengajuan lowongan akan diperiksa oleh tim administrasi Yayasan Penabulu. Penerimaan pelamar akan ditentukan oleh syarat dan ketentuan yang dimiliki oleh Yayasan Penabulu;
  • Seluruh informasi yang telah direkrut harus dipenuhi secara tepat waktu sesuai dengan batasan waktu yang telah ditetapkan oleh Yayasan Penabulu.

Communication Specialist for INTEGRASI Project

Communication Specialist

USAID committed to support the Ministry of Health (MOH) in scaling up Integrated Primary Health Care – Integrasi Layanan Primer (ILP) in five provinces. USAID INTEGRASI will be implemented in North Sumatera and Banten provinces by the Penabulu Foundation.

USAID INTEGRASI will adopt a dual-pronged approach to bolster I-PHC. Firstly, it aims to fortify Posyandu and community cadres under village leadership, while concurrently expanding and enhancing the quality of outreach services provided by Puskesmas through their Pustu-Posyandu networks and other service providers within targeted communities. Embedded in village development mechanisms and Puskesmas accreditation, USAID INTEGRASI optimizes the utilization of various social accountability tools tailored to the local context, fostering continuous collaboration between service providers and clients to improve health services closer to families and communities.

At the grassroots level, USAID INTEGRASI endeavors to strengthen multi-stakeholder health forums at the sub-district and village levels, serving as pivotal platforms for community participation in I-PHC implementation. These forums facilitate the 1 implementation of the local area monitoring (Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat/PWS) mechanism through tiered meetings, commencing from cadres and Posyandu, Pustu to Puskesmas. Moreover, they facilitate data collection methods to enable health monitoring dashboards at the village level and spearhead development and implementation of a social accountability monitoring mechanism in I-PHC execution.

At the national level, USAID INTEGRASI collaborates with MOH to liaise with relevant government institutions such as the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Village, ensuring adequate support for Posyandu as Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa (LKD), as well as Pustu and Posyandu cadres. Additionally, it fosters coordination with an extensive network of civil society organizations across Indonesia to expedite the rollout of I-PHC. The overarching goal of the project is to achieve at least three Impact Results (IRs) to fulfill its objective, including enhancing sustainable access to quality service delivery across the continuum of care, improving I-PHC learning for program and policy enhancement, and enhancing the management and performance of the health system to enable and sustain I-PHC in Indonesia. USAID INTEGRASI is poised to address the challenges identified in implementing the I-PHC model, particularly those concerning the role of civil society organizations in supporting its implementation and scaling up.

Role and Responsibilities

Ensure all activities in the project comply with BSMP. Create work plans, communication strategies and activity reporting. Create writing, facilitate product development for publication content, according to BSMP. Coordinating and reporting to the Team Leader. Prepare data presentation for project reporting, presentation or publication purposes. She/He offering technical assistance related to communication strategy at the provincial, and district/sub-district levels


Bachelor’s degree in communications or other relevant field, has 5 years of professional experience in communications including on development projects, social media, event organizing, crisis management, and journalism. Have skills in developing information products, education, and public campaigns. Experience in developing creative visual communications. Ability to oversee graphic designing works (as necessary). Strong writing and editing skills. Fluent in English is an advantage.

Penabulu Foundation’s values and commitments

Penabulu Foundation is committed to preventing any type of undesirable behavior in the workplace including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity, and financial misconduct; and is committed to promoting the well-being of children, youth, adults, and beneficiaries with whom Penabulu Foundation collaborates. Penabulu Foundation requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through a code of conduct. Penabulu Foundation places a high priority on ensuring that only those who possess and demonstrate the above values can work with Penabulu Foundation.

All job offers offered by Penabulu will be based on appropriate checks/screenings for criminal records and financial checks related to terrorism. Penabulu Foundation will request information from job applicants through previous workplaces about findings of sexual violence and sexual harassment during employment or incidents that are being investigated when the applicant leaves work. By submitting an application, applicants have understood the recruitment procedures of Penabulu Foundation,

Penabulu Foundation is committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality in the organization and encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.

Duration of Employment  and Location

Full-Time and National Based

How to apply?

Please send your CV and application to Please complete the required information including contact details of three (3) referees from previous employment.

Closing date: April 17th, 2024

About Us

Penabulu was established in 2002. At the beginning of its journey, the Penabulu Foundation conducted capacity building for civil society organizations in the financial sector. Penabulu Foundation has experience in developing services to increase capacity in the field of organizational management, such as making strategic planning and organizational SOPs. In its development, Penabulu Foundation encourages itself to act as a “civil society resource organization”. As a CSRO, Penabulu Foundation manages and develops enabling conditions for domestic resource mobilization for civil society organizations. Penabulu Foundation has an extensive network with around 200 civil society organizations in Indonesia for program implementation.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Penabulu Foundation may conduct background checks on shortlisted candidates for 7 working days.
  2. Penabulu Foundation will only contact selected candidates.
  3. Penabulu Foundation is not responsible for false information obtained from applicants.
  4. Penabulu Foundation does not collect payment fees related to the recruitment process.
  5. Please note that applications will be reviewed by the Penabulu Foundation administration team.
  6. Acceptance of applicants will be determined by the terms and conditions of the Penabulu Foundation.
  7. All information that has been recruited must be fulfilled promptly following the time limits set by the Penabulu Foundation.

MEL Officer for INTEGRASI Project

MEL Officer

USAID committed to support the Ministry of Health (MOH) in scaling up Integrated Primary Health Care – Integrasi Layanan Primer (ILP) in five provinces. USAID INTEGRASI will be implemented in North Sumatera and Banten provinces by the Penabulu Foundation.

USAID INTEGRASI will adopt a dual-pronged approach to bolster I-PHC. Firstly, it aims to fortify Posyandu and community cadres under village leadership, while concurrently expanding and enhancing the quality of outreach services provided by Puskesmas through their Pustu-Posyandu networks and other service providers within targeted communities. Embedded in village development mechanisms and Puskesmas accreditation, USAID INTEGRASI optimizes the utilization of various social accountability tools tailored to the local context, fostering continuous collaboration between service providers and clients to improve health services closer to families and communities.

At the grassroots level, USAID INTEGRASI endeavors to strengthen multi-stakeholder health forums at the sub-district and village levels, serving as pivotal platforms for community participation in I-PHC implementation. These forums facilitate the 1 implementation of the local area monitoring (Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat/PWS) mechanism through tiered meetings, commencing from cadres and Posyandu, Pustu to Puskesmas. Moreover, they facilitate data collection methods to enable health monitoring dashboards at the village level and spearhead development and implementation of a social accountability monitoring mechanism in I-PHC execution.

At the national level, USAID INTEGRASI collaborates with MOH to liaise with relevant government institutions such as the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Village, ensuring adequate support for Posyandu as Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa (LKD), as well as Pustu and Posyandu cadres. Additionally, it fosters coordination with an extensive network of civil society organizations across Indonesia to expedite the rollout of I-PHC. The overarching goal of the project is to achieve at least three Impact Results (IRs) to fulfill its objective, including enhancing sustainable access to quality service delivery across the continuum of care, improving I-PHC learning for program and policy enhancement, and enhancing the management and performance of the health system to enable and sustain I-PHC in Indonesia. USAID INTEGRASI is poised to address the challenges identified in implementing the I-PHC model, particularly those concerning the role of civil society organizations in supporting its implementation and scaling up.

Role and Responsibilities

Responsible for all data collection and management processes at the national level. Monitor and evaluate project achievements periodically. Carry out intensive coordination and communication with the Data Management Officer and Provincial Coordinator. Prepare data presentation for project reporting purposes, presentations, or publications at the national level.

USAID INTEGRASI is seeking to recruit a talented individual who would play a crucial role in supporting the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) unit in their effort to drive the project MEL process.

MEL officer will support the MEL Director on designing and MEL implementation include

  • Develop an M&E plan and strategy for the project
  • Support the program design, development, and review all monitoring and reporting functions, system and tools for the project
  • Support the regional team to utilize planning, monitoring, and reporting tools to capture information across programme indicators
  • Support the program team to manage (record/capture, analyze, report, disseminate and safely store) project data
  • Support and facilitate the capacity building initiatives on recording and reporting system for staff and related partners as needed
  • Support on preparing routine report for organizational and donor requirement as well as presentation and publication
  • Prepare data presentation for project reporting purposes, presentations or publications at the national level
  • Conduct supervisory visit to regional and sub regional


Bachelor’s degree in public health or other relevant field, has 3 years of experience implementing social programs. Experienced in recording and reporting, collecting research data, documenting good practices, and creating data presentations for presentation or publication purposes.

Penabulu Foundation’s values and commitments

Penabulu Foundation is committed to preventing any type of undesirable behavior in the workplace including sexual harassment, exploitation, abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and is committed to promoting the well-being of children, youth, adults, and beneficiaries with whom Penabulu Foundation collaborates. Penabulu Foundation requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through a code of conduct. Penabulu Foundation places a high priority on ensuring that only those who possess and demonstrate the above values can work with Penabulu Foundation.

All job offers offered by Penabulu will be based on appropriate checks/screenings for criminal records and financial checks related to terrorism. Penabulu Foundation will request information from job applicants through previous workplaces about findings of sexual violence and sexual harassment during employment or incidents that are being investigated when the applicant leaves work. By submitting an application, applicants have understood the recruitment procedures of Penabulu Foundation,

Penabulu Foundation is committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality in the organization and encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.

Duration of Employment  and Location

Full-Time and National Based

How to apply?

Please send your CV and application to Please complete the required information including contact details of three (3) referees from previous employment.

Closing date: April 17th, 2024

About Us

Penabulu was established in 2002. At the beginning of its journey, the Penabulu Foundation conducted capacity building for civil society organizations in the financial sector. Penabulu Foundation has experience in developing services to increase capacity in the field of organizational management, such as making strategic planning and organizational SOPs. In its development, Penabulu Foundation encourages itself to act as a “civil society resource organization”. As a CSRO, Penabulu Foundation manages and develops enabling conditions for domestic resource mobilization for civil society organizations. Penabulu Foundation has an extensive network with around 200 civil society organizations in Indonesia for program implementation.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Penabulu Foundation may conduct background checks on shortlisted candidates for 7 working days.
  2. Penabulu Foundation will only contact selected candidates.
  3. Penabulu Foundation is not responsible for false information obtained from applicants.
  4. Penabulu Foundation does not collect payment fees related to the recruitment process.
  5. Please note that applications will be reviewed by the Penabulu Foundation administration team.
  6. Acceptance of applicants will be determined by the terms and conditions of the Penabulu Foundation.
  7. All information that has been recruited must be fulfilled promptly following the time limits set by the Penabulu Foundation.

Public Health Specialist for INTEGRASI Project

Public Health Specialist

USAID committed to support the Ministry of Health (MOH) in scaling up Integrated Primary Health Care – Integrasi Layanan Primer (ILP) in five provinces. USAID INTEGRASI will be implemented in North Sumatera and Banten provinces by the Penabulu Foundation.

USAID INTEGRASI will adopt a dual-pronged approach to bolster I-PHC. Firstly, it aims to fortify Posyandu and community cadres under village leadership, while concurrently expanding and enhancing the quality of outreach services provided by Puskesmas through their Pustu-Posyandu networks and other service providers within targeted communities. Embedded in village development mechanisms and Puskesmas accreditation, USAID INTEGRASI optimizes the utilization of various social accountability tools tailored to the local context, fostering continuous collaboration between service providers and clients to improve health services closer to families and communities.

At the grassroots level, USAID INTEGRASI endeavors to strengthen multi-stakeholder health forums at the sub-district and village levels, serving as pivotal platforms for community participation in I-PHC implementation. These forums facilitate the 1 implementation of the local area monitoring (Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat/PWS) mechanism through tiered meetings, commencing from cadres and Posyandu, Pustu to Puskesmas. Moreover, they facilitate data collection methods to enable health monitoring dashboards at the village level and spearhead development and implementation of a social accountability monitoring mechanism in I-PHC execution.

At the national level, USAID INTEGRASI collaborates with MOH to liaise with relevant government institutions such as the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Village, ensuring adequate support for Posyandu as Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa (LKD), as well as Pustu and Posyandu cadres. Additionally, it fosters coordination with an extensive network of civil society organizations across Indonesia to expedite the rollout of I-PHC. The overarching goal of the project is to achieve at least three Impact Results (IRs) to fulfill its objective, including enhancing sustainable access to quality service delivery across the continuum of care, improving I-PHC learning for program and policy enhancement, and enhancing the management and performance of the health system to enable and sustain I-PHC in Indonesia. USAID INTEGRASI is poised to address the challenges identified in implementing the I-PHC model, particularly those concerning the role of civil society organizations in supporting its implementation and scaling up.

Role and Responsibilities

Engaging in part-time work on a hybrid basis, offering technical assistance to related to integrated primary health care implementation at the national, provincial, and district/sub-district levels as well as to the selected health services. The provided assistance is tailored to expertise and may include serving as a resource person, offering technical support, conducting research, creating any guidelines, and producing written materials for learning adoption and publication. This position has the potential to become a full-time position at some point.


Master’s degree in public health or bachelor’s degree in relevant field with 5 years experience in the field of public health, ever working with primary health care and has a good knowledge of integrated primary health care programs. Accustomed to creating writing/products for policy briefs, research, and publications.

Penabulu Foundation’s values and commitments

Penabulu Foundation is committed to preventing any type of undesirable behavior in the workplace including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity,

and financial misconduct; and is committed to promoting the well-being of children, youth, adults, and beneficiaries with whom Penabulu Foundation collaborates. Penabulu Foundation requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through a code of conduct. Penabulu Foundation places a high priority on ensuring that only those who possess and demonstrate the above values can work with Penabulu Foundation.

All job offers offered by Penabulu will be based on appropriate checks/screenings for criminal records and financial checks related to terrorism. Penabulu Foundation will request information from job applicants through previous workplaces about findings of sexual violence and sexual harassment during employment or incidents that are being investigated when the applicant leaves work. By applying, applicants have understood the recruitment procedures of the Penabulu Foundation,

Penabulu Foundation is committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality in the organization and encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.

Duration of Employment  and Location

Part-Time and National Based

How to apply?

Please send your CV and application to Please complete the required information including contact details of three (3) referees from previous employment.

Closing date: April 17th, 2024

About Us

Penabulu was established in 2002. At the beginning of its journey, the Penabulu Foundation conducted capacity building for civil society organizations in the financial sector. Penabulu Foundation has experience in developing services to increase capacity in the field of organizational management, such as making strategic planning and organizational SOPs. In its development, Penabulu Foundation encourages itself to act as a “civil society resource organization”. As a CSRO, Penabulu Foundation manages and develops enabling conditions for domestic resource mobilization for civil society organizations. Penabulu Foundation has an extensive network with around 200 civil society organizations in Indonesia for program implementation.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Penabulu Foundation may conduct background checks on shortlisted candidates for 7 working days.
  2. Penabulu Foundation will only contact selected candidates.
  3. Penabulu Foundation is not responsible for false information obtained from applicants.
  4. Penabulu Foundation does not collect payment fees related to the recruitment process.
  5. Please note that applications will be reviewed by the Penabulu Foundation administration team.
  6. Acceptance of applicants will be determined by the terms and conditions of the Penabulu Foundation.
  7. All information that has been recruited must be fulfilled promptly following the time limits set by the Penabulu Foundation.

Data Management Officer for INTEGRASI Project

Data Management Officer

USAID committed to support the Ministry of Health (MOH) in scaling up Integrated Primary Health Care – Integrasi Layanan Primer (ILP) in five provinces. USAID INTEGRASI will be implemented in North Sumatera and Banten provinces by the Penabulu Foundation.

USAID INTEGRASI will adopt a dual-pronged approach to bolster I-PHC. Firstly, it aims to fortify Posyandu and community cadres under village leadership, while concurrently expanding and enhancing the quality of outreach services provided by Puskesmas through their Pustu-Posyandu networks and other service providers within targeted communities. Embedded in village development mechanisms and Puskesmas accreditation, USAID INTEGRASI optimizes the utilization of various social accountability tools tailored to the local context, fostering continuous collaboration between service providers and clients to improve health services closer to families and communities.

At the grassroots level, USAID INTEGRASI endeavors to strengthen multi-stakeholder health forums at the sub-district and village levels, serving as pivotal platforms for community participation in I-PHC implementation. These forums facilitate the 1 implementation of the local area monitoring (Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat/PWS) mechanism through tiered meetings, commencing from cadres and Posyandu, Pustu to Puskesmas. Moreover, they facilitate data collection methods to enable health monitoring dashboards at the village level and spearhead development and implementation of a social accountability monitoring mechanism in I-PHC execution.

At the national level, USAID INTEGRASI collaborates with MOH to liaise with relevant government institutions such as the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Village, ensuring adequate support for Posyandu as Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa (LKD), as well as Pustu and Posyandu cadres. Additionally, it fosters coordination with an extensive network of civil society organizations across Indonesia to expedite the rollout of I-PHC. The overarching goal of the project is to achieve at least three Impact Results (IRs) to fulfill its objective, including enhancing sustainable access to quality service delivery across the continuum of care, improving I-PHC learning for program and policy enhancement, and enhancing the management and performance of the health system to enable and sustain I-PHC in Indonesia. USAID INTEGRASI is poised to address the challenges identified in implementing the I-PHC model, particularly those concerning the role of civil society organizations in supporting its implementation and scaling up.

Role and Responsibilities

Responsible for all data collection (inc. geospatial) and management processes at the national level. Monitor and evaluate project achievements periodically. Carry out intensive coordination and communication with the MEL Officer, GENDSI Specialist, and Communication Specialist. Prepare data presentation for project reporting, presentation, or publication purposes.


Bachelor’s degree in health statistics, social or other relevant fields, has 3 years of experience involved in implementing national scale programs and is familiar with using data analysis tools. Experienced in developing online data collection tools, presenting data management results, and producing materials for learning and knowledge management.

Penabulu Foundation’s values and commitments

Penabulu Foundation is committed to preventing any type of undesirable behavior in the workplace including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity, and financial misconduct; and is committed to promoting the well-being of children, youth, adults, and beneficiaries with whom Penabulu Foundation collaborates. Penabulu Foundation requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through a code of conduct. Penabulu Foundation places a high priority on ensuring that only those who possess and demonstrate the above values can work with Penabulu Foundation.

All job offers offered by Penabulu will be based on appropriate checks/screenings for criminal records and financial checks related to terrorism. Penabulu Foundation will request information from job applicants through previous workplaces about findings of sexual violence and sexual harassment during employment or incidents that are being investigated when the applicant leaves work. By applying, applicants have understood the recruitment procedures of the Penabulu Foundation,

Penabulu Foundation is committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality in the organization and encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.

Duration of Employment  and Location

Full-Time and National Based

How to apply?

Please send your CV and application to Please complete the required information including contact details of three (3) referees from previous employment.

Closing date: April 17th, 2024

About Us

Penabulu was established in 2002. At the beginning of its journey, the Penabulu Foundation conducted capacity building for civil society organizations in the financial sector. Penabulu Foundation has experience in developing services to increase capacity in the field of organizational management, such as making strategic planning and organizational SOPs. In its development, Penabulu Foundation encourages itself to act as a “civil society resource organization”. As a CSRO, Penabulu Foundation manages and develops enabling conditions for domestic resource mobilization for civil society organizations. Penabulu Foundation has an extensive network with around 200 civil society organizations in Indonesia for program implementation.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Penabulu Foundation may conduct background checks on shortlisted candidates for 7 working days.
  2. Penabulu Foundation will only contact selected candidates.
  3. Penabulu Foundation is not responsible for false information obtained from applicants.
  4. Penabulu Foundation does not collect payment fees related to the recruitment process.
  5. Please note that applications will be reviewed by the Penabulu Foundation administration team.
  6. Acceptance of applicants will be determined by the terms and conditions of the Penabulu Foundation.
  7. All information that has been recruited must be fulfilled promptly following the time limits set by the Penabulu Foundation.

Team Leader for INTEGRASI Project

Team Leader

The INTEGRASI project aims to support the GOI in enhancing national/sub-national primary healthcare systems. It achieves this objective through strategic, responsive, and coordinated technical assistance to develop, implement, and innovate reforms that lead to improved health for Indonesians across the lifecycle.

USAID considers PHC (Primary Health Care) as the cornerstone of its health portfolio. By intensifying its focus on PHC, USAID intends to diminish program silos and enhance coordination among its global health program investments, including those in Indonesia. USAID, in partnership with the Penabulu Foundation through the INTEGRASI project, aims to achieve the outcome: the realization of the PHC transformation agenda in targeted provinces from 2023 to 2028. This will be evidenced by the effective and equitable coverage of PHC services and improved financial protection under UHC (Universal Health Coverage).

Position Location : Jakarta, Indonesia

Role and Responsibilities

  1. The Team Leader is responsible for overseeing all aspects of project planning, monitoring, and implementation at both the national and sub-national levels.
  2. The Team Leader will conduct a comprehensive review of project documents and records related to activities or interventions to ensure that each activity is carried out according to the set targets.
  3. Team Leader will establish coordination and communication with both external and internal stakeholders, with a particular focus on intensive collaboration between the Penabulu Foundation, USAID, and the MOMENTUM and MPKU project partners.
  4. Fostering relationships with government officials at the sub-national level to ensure that INTEGRASI aligns with the programs implemented in the region.


  1. Possesses an advanced (Master’s or higher) degree in the field of public health, medicine, or other relevant science.
  2. Holds over 8 years of extensive experience in developing and managing frontline health programs.
  3. Exhibits strong leadership and interpersonal skills, both in written and oral communication.
  4. Possesses good spoken and written English skills.
  5. Able to adapt to USAID’s administrative, management, and reporting procedures and systems.
  6. Demonstrates understanding in overseeing and orchestrating program implementation by utilizing results from the monitoring and evaluation team to inform decisions, reporting, and advocacy.
  7. Capable of establishing effective communication and coordination with national and subnational government, and private sector stakeholders, and demonstrate sufficient skills for high-level representation.
  8. Proficient in writing reports, and creating publication products derived from project data analysis.
  9. Experience in co-developing, reviewing, and improving operational guidance documents.
  10. Experience in overseeing, managing, and/or strengthening the capacity of parties involved in sub-awards/sub-grants/sub-contracts.

Penabulu Foundation’s values and commitments

Penabulu Foundation is committed to preventing any type of undesirable behavior in the workplace including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity, and financial misconduct; and is committed to promoting the well-being of children, youth, adults, and beneficiaries with whom Penabulu Foundation collaborates. Penabulu Foundation requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through a code of conduct. Penabulu Foundation prioritizes ensuring that only those who possess and demonstrate the above values can work with Penabulu Foundation.

All job offers offered by Penabulu will be based on appropriate checks/screenings for criminal records and financial checks related to terrorism. Penabulu Foundation will request information from job applicants through previous workplaces about findings of sexual violence and sexual harassment during employment or incidents that are being investigated when the applicant leaves work. By applying, applicants have understood the recruitment procedures of the Penabulu Foundation,

Penabulu Foundation is committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality in the organization and encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.

How to apply?

Please send your CV and application letter to Please complete the required information including contact details of three (3) referees from previous employment.

Closing date:  April 5th, 2024

About Us

Penabulu was established in 2002. At the beginning of its journey, the Penabulu Foundation conducted capacity building for civil society organizations in the financial sector. Penabulu Foundation has experience in developing services to increase capacity in the field of organizational management, such as making strategic planning and organizational SOPs. In its development, Penabulu Foundation encourages itself to act as a “civil society resource organization”. As a CSRO, Penabulu Foundation manages and develops enabling conditions for domestic resource mobilization for civil society organizations. Penabulu Foundation has an extensive network with around 200 civil society organizations in Indonesia for program implementation.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Penabulu Foundation may conduct background checks on shortlisted candidates for 7 working days.
  2. Penabulu Foundation will only contact selected candidates.
  3. Penabulu Foundation is not responsible for false information obtained from applicants.
  4. Penabulu Foundation does not collect payment fees related to the recruitment process.
  5. Please note that applications will be reviewed by the Penabulu Foundation administration team.
  6. Acceptance of applicants will be determined by the terms and conditions of the Penabulu Foundation.
  7. All information that has been recruited must be fulfilled promptly following the time limits set by the Penabulu Foundation.

Technical Director for INTEGRASI PROJECT

Technical Director

The INTEGRASI project aims to support the GOI in enhancing national/sub-national primary healthcare systems. It achieves this objective through strategic, responsive, and coordinated technical assistance to develop, implement, and innovate reforms that lead to improved health for Indonesians across the lifecycle.

USAID considers PHC (Primary Health Care) as the cornerstone of its health portfolio. By intensifying its focus on PHC, USAID intends to diminish program silos and enhance coordination among its global health program investments, including those in Indonesia. USAID, in partnership with the Penabulu Foundation through the INTEGRASI project, aims to achieve the outcome: the realization of the PHC transformation agenda in targeted provinces from 2023 to 2028. This will be evidenced by the effective and equitable coverage of PHC services and improved financial protection under UHC (Universal Health Coverage).

Position Location : Jakarta, Indonesia

Role and Responsibilities

The Technical Director will be responsible for leading a team of technical specialists to deliver optimal, high-quality technical assistance to key stakeholders at both the national and sub-national levels. This involves imparting expertise in primary health care and facilitating technical capacity building and quality assurance for sub-grant recipients from local organizations. The Technical Director will serve as the primary technical representative of INTEGRASI in interactions with the Ministry of Health (MOH), USAID, and other high-level counterparts at both the national and subnational levels. A critical requirement for this role is substantial experience and/or education in primary health care operations, quality, and the associated support systems. The position involves providing technical leadership, oversight, strategic guidance, and project activity definition. It also entails establishing and implementing systems to ensure the technical quality of project activities. The Technical Director will offer mentoring and capacity-building at both individual and organizational levels in specific areas of expertise, alongside the technical specialist team.


  1. Holds a Master’s degree in public health or other relevant fields.
  2. Has over 8 years of experience in the development and management of primary health care programs.
  3. Demonstrates the ability to organize organizational resources and formulate technical assistance plans.
  4. Conducts reviews of technical guidelines from the Ministry of Health (MoH), USAID, or other relevant technical guidelines to ensure that the implementation of the INTEGRASI project aligns with national goals and contributes to global objectives.
  5. Demonstrated experience with a mix of practical technical skills necessary for strengthening service delivery at the regional, national, clinical, and community levels.
  6. She/he demonstrated an in-depth understanding of healthcare systems in difficult and complex environments.
  7. Possesses the ability to write reports, document lessons learned, and deliver periodic project progress presentations to all stakeholders.
  8. Exhibits strong leadership and interpersonal skills, both in written and oral communication.
  9. Possesses good spoken and written English skills.
  10. Willing to work full-time and available for travel outside the island as needed.

Penabulu Foundation’s values and commitments

Penabulu Foundation is committed to preventing any type of undesirable behavior in the workplace including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity, and financial misconduct; and is committed to promoting the well-being of children, youth, adults, and beneficiaries with whom Penabulu Foundation collaborates. Penabulu Foundation requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through a code of conduct. Penabulu Foundation prioritizes ensuring that only those who possess and demonstrate the above values can work with Penabulu Foundation.

All job offers offered by Penabulu will be based on appropriate checks/screenings for criminal records and financial checks related to terrorism. Penabulu Foundation will request information from job applicants through previous workplaces about findings of sexual violence and sexual harassment during employment or incidents that are being investigated when the applicant leaves work. By applying, applicants have understood the recruitment procedures of the Penabulu Foundation,

Penabulu Foundation is committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality in the organization and encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.

How to apply?

Please send your CV and application letter to Please complete the required information including contact details of three (3) referees from previous employment.

Closing date: April 5th, 2024

About Us

Penabulu was established in 2002. At the beginning of its journey, the Penabulu Foundation conducted capacity building for civil society organizations in the financial sector. Penabulu Foundation has experience in developing services to increase capacity in the field of organizational management, such as making strategic planning and organizational SOPs. In its development, Penabulu Foundation encourages itself to act as a “civil society resource organization”. As a CSRO, Penabulu Foundation manages and develops enabling conditions for domestic resource mobilization for civil society organizations. Penabulu Foundation has an extensive network with around 200 civil society organizations in Indonesia for program implementation.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Penabulu Foundation may conduct background checks on shortlisted candidates for 7 working days.
  2. Penabulu Foundation will only contact selected candidates.
  3. Penabulu Foundation is not responsible for false information obtained from applicants.
  4. Penabulu Foundation does not collect payment fees related to the recruitment process.
  5. Please note that applications will be reviewed by the Penabulu Foundation administration team.
  6. Acceptance of applicants will be determined by the terms and conditions of the Penabulu Foundation.
  7. All information that has been recruited must be fulfilled promptly following the time limits set by the Penabulu Foundation.

Operation Director for INTEGRASI Project

Operational Director (National)

The INTEGRASI project aims to support the GOI in enhancing national/sub-national primary healthcare systems. It achieves this objective through strategic, responsive, and coordinated technical assistance to develop, implement, and innovate reforms that lead to improved health for Indonesians across the lifecycle.

USAID considers PHC (Primary Health Care) as the cornerstone of its health portfolio. By intensifying its focus on PHC, USAID intends to diminish program silos and enhance coordination among its global health program investments, including those in Indonesia. USAID, in partnership with the Penabulu Foundation through the INTEGRASI project, aims to achieve the outcome: the realization of the PHC transformation agenda in targeted provinces from 2023 to 2028. This will be evidenced by the effective and equitable coverage of PHC services and improved financial protection under UHC (Universal Health Coverage).

Position Location : Jakarta, Indonesia

Role and Responsibilities

The Operational Director is responsible for overseeing all aspects of project administration management at both the national and sub-national levels. This includes facilitating communication and coordination with both external and internal parties. The Operational Director will have oversight of all operational facets of the project and will supervise the heads of all operational functions in field offices, ensuring coordination, efficiency, and the delivery of high-quality services. Responsibilities include overseeing all local recruitment, hiring, orientation, and compensation in coordination with the central office human resources team. The Operational Director will develop and enforce project-specific guidelines based on the Penabulu Foundation policies and USAID regulations, covering office operations, procurement, finance, travel, safety, and occupational health. The Operational Director is also accountable for ensuring that the work output from their team in the areas of finance, administration, HR, and data aligns with project standards and meets the requirements set forth by USAID.


  1. Holds a Master’s degree in social or resource management or other relevant fields.
  2. Has more than 5 years of experience in implementing national-scale social programs.
  3. Demonstrates knowledge, skills, and/or experience in finance, budgeting, human resources, and procurement.
  4. Experience in overseeing national-scale projects, particularly managing project operations and supervising program staff, contracts and procurement, human resources, and administration.
  5. Proven track record in strong administrative and organizational skills, consensus-building, personnel management, and interpersonal skills.
  6. Demonstrates the ability to handle various complex tasks in a fast-paced and deadline-oriented environment, identifying and implementing improvements in coordination, efficiency, and effectiveness.
  7. Excellent leadership skills, including strategic thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, oral and written communication, and the ability to motivate and collaborate with others to achieve team goals.
  8. Experience in developing/improving guidance administrative documents and other tools to ensure consistency.
  9. Able to adapt to USAID’s administrative, management, and reporting procedures and systems.
  10. Willing to work full-time and available for travel outside the island as needed.

Penabulu Foundation’s values and commitments

Penabulu Foundation is committed to preventing any type of undesirable behavior in the workplace including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity, and financial misconduct; and is committed to promoting the well-being of children, youth, adults, and beneficiaries with whom Penabulu Foundation collaborates. Penabulu Foundation requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through a code of conduct. Penabulu Foundation prioritizes ensuring that only those who possess and demonstrate the above values can work with Penabulu Foundation.

All job offers offered by Penabulu will be based on appropriate checks/screenings for criminal records and financial checks related to terrorism. Penabulu Foundation will request information from job applicants through previous workplaces about findings of sexual violence and sexual harassment during employment or incidents that are being investigated when the applicant leaves work. By applying, applicants have understood the recruitment procedures of the Penabulu Foundation, Penabulu Foundation is committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality in the organization and encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.

How to apply?

Please send your CV and application to Please complete the required information including contact details of three (3) referees from previous employment.

Closing date: April 5th, 2024

About Us

Penabulu was established in 2002. At the beginning of its journey, the Penabulu Foundation conducted capacity building for civil society organizations in the financial sector. Penabulu Foundation has experience in developing services to increase capacity in the field of organizational management, such as making strategic planning and organizational SOPs. In its development, Penabulu Foundation encourages itself to act as a “civil society resource organization”. As a CSRO, Penabulu Foundation manages and develops enabling conditions for domestic resource mobilization for civil society organizations. Penabulu Foundation has an extensive network with around 200 civil society organizations in Indonesia for program implementation.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Penabulu Foundation may conduct background checks on shortlisted candidates for 7 working days.
  2. Penabulu Foundation will only contact selected candidates.
  3. Penabulu Foundation is not responsible for false information obtained from applicants.
  4. Penabulu Foundation does not collect payment fees related to the recruitment process.
  5. Please note that applications will be reviewed by the Penabulu Foundation administration team.
  6. Acceptance of applicants will be determined by the terms and conditions of the Penabulu Foundation.
  7. All information that has been recruited must be fulfilled promptly following the time limits set by the Penabulu Foundation.