Penguatan Ruang Sipil
Program penguatan kapasitas kelembagaan kemanusiaan dan organisasi masyarakat sipil telah menjadi fokus kerja sejak awal berdirinya Penabulu, disertai dengan upaya terus menerus dalam mengembangkan ekosistem pengelolaan pengetahuan dan pembelajaran kolektif di antara OMS di Indonesia.
Penabulu meyakini bahwa posisi dan peran OMS Indonesia yang kuat akan dapat menjadi pilar penyeimbang bagi aktor pembangunan yang lainnya: pemerintah dan swasta, mendorong perbaikan demokrasi, pemenuhan hak-hak sipil dan perbaikan layanan dasar bagi seluruh masyarakat secara berkeadilan.
Program ini memfasilitasi upaya penguatan OMS di Indonesia, mempertemukan kebutuhan organisasi masyarakat sipil dan lembaga kemanusiaan dengan beragam penyedia layanan penguat kapasitas yang mencakup jangkauan kebutuhan yang lebar: kapasitas dasar pengelolaan organisasi (pengeloaan keuangan dan program), komunikasi strategis, kampanye yang efektif, mobilisasi sumber daya, transformasi dan keamanan digital, dan berbagai kebutuhan kapasitas baru lainnya yang berkembang.
Program melakukan intervensi melalui rangkaian kegiatan webinar, pelatihan dan pendampingan untuk peningkatan kapasitas organisasi, mendorong mobilisasi sumber daya domestik, pengembangan platform pembelajaran kolektif dan penggalangan dana publik; serta terlibat dalam upaya advokasi perbaikan kondisi pemungkin bagi pendanaan dan operasionalisasi OMS di Indonesia.
- Pengembangan Sistem Manajemen Keuangan
- HIVOS Capacity Building Indonesia Partners
- Berau NGO Capacity Building
- Financial Consultancy on Capacity Building of SIMAVI’s Grantee
- Financial Capacity Building FNV Partners in Indonesia 2014–2015
- Technical Service Provider for Building the Capacity of HIV/AIDS Civil Society Organizations on Organizational Performance and Financial Management
- Penguatan Kapasitas Kelembagaan, Pengelolaan Program, dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Mitra TFCA Kalimantan
- Informational Video Series for Strengthening and Tranformation of CSO in Indonesia
- Penguatan 3 Area Kelembagaan LBH Makassar
- Design of Indonesian Academy Sciences (AIPI)’s Accounting System, Operating Policies and Procedures Manual
- Review on System and Capacity of Financial Management of Hivos Partners in Timor Leste
- Finance for Non-Finance Training kepada Mitra The Asia Foundation Pelaksana Program Peduli
- Pengadaan Konsultan Penyusunan Roadmap Pengembangan Organisasi Pusat Layanan Juru Bahasa Isyarat (PLJ)
- Fasilitasi Penyusunan Rencana Implementasi Multipihak Program Kelola Sendang, Sumatera Selatan
- Penguatan Kapasitas OMS untuk Aksi Konservasi yang Efektif di Indonesia
- Training of Trainers Pemberdayaan Kampung di Mahulu
- Lokakarya Mobilisasi Sumber Daya dalam Upaya Penguatan Komunitas Kunci HIV/AIDS di Indonesia
- Panel Arrangements for Organizational Strengthening Services in Phase II
- Pelatihan Pengembangan Badan Usaha Milik Desa, Kab. Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah
- Asistensi bagi 17 Lembaga Distribusi Pangan Masyarakat (LDPM) di Jawa Tengah dalam Penyusunan Rencana Bisnis
- Pengembangan Kegiatan Income Generation Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia
- Proyek Kerjasama Sumatra Selatan untuk Mendukung Pengelolaan Lanskap
- Penyusunan Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Grant Making, Akuntansi dan Keuangan Yayasan Pemantau Independen Kehutanan Indonesia (YPIKI)
- Penguatan Kapasitas Korporasi dalam Penanganan Konflik Secara Efektif pada Sektor Berbasis Lahan di Indonesia
- Pelatihan Mobilisasi Sumber Daya untuk 90 OMS (Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil) di 6 Wilayah di Indonesia
- Organizational Assessment YABI
- Penguatan Kelembagaan Cakra Wikara Indonesia (CWI)
- Provision of NTB CSOS Program Management Capacity Strengthening in GESI of Infrastructure/Road Sector
- Penyempurnaan Dokumen Acuan atau Standar Operasi Prosedur
- Pengembangan Prosedur Operasi Standar untuk Yayasan The Conversation Indonesia dan Dukungan untuk Implementasi
- Consultant Agency for Community Based Monitoring and Feedback (CBMF)
- Organizational Effectiveness (OE) For Traction Energy Asia (TEA)
- Capacity Building And Technical Assistance (MADANI)
- The Financial Innovation and Resilence (FIRE)
- Strengthening Indonesian CSOs Adaptive Capacity and Resilience in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic (CO-EVOLVE)
- Organizational Effectiveness COVID-19 Response Program for Civil Society Partners in Indonesia
- Penerapan Prinsip Pembangunan Keberlanjutan dalam Dokumen Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah 2021-2025 di 4 Kabupaten Anggota Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari
- PR Komunitas untuk Eliminasi TB di Indonesia 2021-2023
- Institutional Capacity Building for Implementing Partners in 26 Priority Districts – Part 2
- GOSORA : Swakelola Tipe III Gerakan Orientasi Ekspor Untuk Rakyat Sejahtera
- Resource Hub for Strengthening Capacity on Financial Resiliency “Re.Search”
- Urban-Context Donor Landscape Analysis
- Covid-19 Response Project: DELTA SPIKE SUPPORT
- Amplifying Voice for Just Climate Action in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)
- Pengembangan Draft Konsep Note/ Proposal untuk Pendanaan Inisiatif Model Kesepakatan Pembangunan Hijau di Kalimantan Timur
- Advancing Community Consortium Efforts to Leverage and Advocate TB Elimination (ACCELERATE)
- COVID‐19 Funds for Indonesian Partners
- Lesson Learned Workshop and ECA Training
- Peningkatan Kapasitas Kelembagaan Mitra
- INKLUSI Short Terms Consultant, Technical Assistance on Grant Management Supporting
- Penabulu Organizational Effectiveness Supported By Packard Foundation
- Workshop Resiliensi Jaringan Masyarakat Sipil untuk Civic Space: Pengalaman Bali Penabulu
- Memperkuat Keterlibatan Efektif Perempuan Pemuda dan Kelompok Rentan Lainnya Dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Berkelanjutan Di Indonesia
- Resource Hub for Strengthening Capacity on Financial Resiliency “Re.Search” Tahun Kedua
- Advancing Community Consortium Efforts to Leverage and Advocate TB Elimination (ACCELERATE) Phase 2
- Consultant Service for Lokal Market Survey
- Studi AGRO-BIODIVERSITY: Valuasi ekonomi dari jasa ekosistem-biodiversitas di perkebunan sawit berkelanjutan yang dikelola oleh petani swadaya
- Penguatan Kapasitas Mitra TARA
- Penabulu’s Transformative Changes toward Oxfam Indonesia – Unfreezing Phase
- Bersama Menuju Eliminasi dan Bebas dari TB_ BEBAS-TB
- Proyek Kepemimpinan dan Penguatan Perempuan dan Kelompok Rentan dalam Transisi Transformatif dan Energi Berkeadilan di Indonesia (WE for JET Indonesia)
- Bloomberg Philanthropies Data untuk Inisiatif Kesehatan Komponen Proyek Pencatatan Sipil dan Statistik Vital
- The Indonesia And Asean Field Support Services Project (FSSP) Local Development Initiatives (LDI)
- Youth Food Systems Dialogue and Movement 2023 : Promoting Local Knowledge for Sustainable Food Systems in Indonesia
- Responsive and Adaptive Hub to Increase the Effectiveness of Packard’s CSO Partners in Indonesia
- Penguatan Kelembagaan Yayasan Gairah Sinema Muda
- Strengthen Civic Space and Enhance the Enabling Environment and Capacity of Networked Local CSOs To Promote a Just and Inclusive Green Transition in Indonesia (CO-EVOLVE 2)
- Community-based Forest Management and Improved Livelihood of IPLCs (CISU IPLC)
- Pelatihan Dasar Community Development BOSF
- Technical Assistance of Income Generating Activity for Smallholders Oil Palm in Labuhanbatu District, North Sumatra Province
- Penguatan Kapasitas Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Kelembagaan LP3A-P
- Commitment Action Plan
- Pengembangan Skema Pembiayaan Usaha Skala Kecil bagi Komunitas Marjinal yang Terdampak Perubahan Iklim (TM Fund)
- Indonesia Disaster Relief Fund
- Peningkatan Kapasitas Mitra CEPF
- Peningkatan Kapasitas Dasar Organisasi untuk OMS Lokal di Tanah Papua
- Solidarity Fund Supports for the Commitment Action Plan under Transition Phase FY 2024/25
- Strengthening Women’s Leadership Networks in Asia (Planning Phase)
- Strengthening Community Preparedness, Rapid Response and Recovery in Asia
- Penguatan Kapasitas Tata Kelola Keuangan Organisasi Koalisi Kampus Untuk Demokrasi Papua
- Initial Investment in Development of Oxfam Indonesia’s Public Fundraising Model
- Studi Penjajakan untuk Water justice fund di Indonesia
- Pengembangan Model Wilayah Laut Yang Dikelola Secara Lokal Di Pulau Lembata, NTT
- Care Connect: Action for Care Workers in the Philippines and Indonesia
- Proyek Kepemimpinan Dan Penguatan Perempuan Dan Kelompok Rentan Dalam Transisi Energi Yang Transformatif Dan Berkeadilan Di Indonesia (WE for JET Indonesia)
- i-Lab Global Partner Experience (GPE) project for 2025
- Crisis Influencing Fund Penabulu
- Water Justice Fund Pilot Phase in Indonesia – Penabulu Foundation
Seluruh Indonesia, dengan area fokus kerja di DKI Jakarta, Jawa Tengah dan DIY, Jawa Timur, NAD, Sumatera Utara, Kepulauan Riau, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Bali, NTB, Sulawesi Selatan, Papua dan Papua Barat.
- Timor Leste
- Bandung
- Medan
- Surabaya
- Makassar
- Mataram
- Jakarta
- Sumatera Selatan
- Sulawesi Utara
- Sulawesi Selatan
- Sulawesi Tengah
- Maluku Utara
- Maluku
- Nusa Tenggara Timur
- Kutai Barat
- Pontianak
- Singkawang
- Banjarmasin
- Tanjung Pinang
- Batam
- Jambi
- Palembang
- Padang
- Pekanbaru
- Bandar Lampung
- Pare-pare
- Manado
- Denpasar
- Kab. Badung
- Kab. Buleleng
- Deli Serdang
- Kab. Sidoarjo
- Malang
- Kab. Malang
- Kediri
- Kab. Kediri
- Kab. Jombang
- Kab. Banyuwangi
- Kab. Jember
- Jakarta Barat
- Jakarta Selatan
- Jakarta Timur
- Jakarta Utara
- Jakarta Pusat
- Kab. Bandung
- Kab. Sumedang
- Kab. Subang
- Kab. Tasik
- Tasik
- Kab. Ciamis
- Kab. Garut
- Bekasi
- Kab. Bekasi
- Kab. Karawang
- Depok
- Bogor
- Kab. Bogor
- Cirebon
- Kab. Cirebon
- Kab. Indramayu
- Kab. Majalengka
- Kab. Kuningan
- Yogyakarta
- Surakarta
- Kab. Semarang
- Semarang
- Kab. Batang
- Kab. Kendal
- Kab. Banyumas
- Kab. Cilacap
- Kab. Tegal
- Tegal
- Kab. Tangerang
- Cilegon
- Jayapura
- Kab. Jayapura
- Kab. Jayawijaya
- Kab. Merauke
- Kab. Mimika
- Kab. Paniai
- Kab. Nabire
- Kab. Sorong
- Sorong
- Kab. Manokwari
- Kab. Fakfak
- Indonesia
- Kab. Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah
- Jawa Tengah
- Sumatera Utara
- Sumatera Barat
- Banten
- Kalimantan Barat
- Kalimantan Tengah
- Kalimantan Selatan
- Kalimantan Timur
- Banda Aceh
- Samarinda
- Lombok
- Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB)
- Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)
- DKI Jakarta
- Provinsi Kalimantan Barat: Kab. Kapuas Hulu dan Kab. Sintang
- Provinsi Riau: Kab. Siak dan Kab. Pelalawan
- 190 Kabupaten/Kota di 30 Provinsi di Indonesia
- Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)
- Bali
- Labuhan Batu
- Papua
- Sumba Timur
- Indonesia
- Lembata, NTT
- Indonesia
- CTH (Catatan Transaksi Harian)
Alat bantu sederhana pencatatan transaksi keuangan organisasi nirlaba untuk memenuhi kebutuhan menyajikan informasi keuangan proyek maupun kelembagaan organisasi nirlaba.
Perangkat aplikasi akuntansi berbasis PSAK (Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan) No. 45 tentang Pelaporan Keuangan Entitas Nirlaba.
- PERANTI | Perangkat Mandiri Penilaian Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas Organisasi Nirlaba Indonesia
Alat sistematis yang dikembangkan Penabulu Alliance untuk membantu organisasi nirlaba Indonesia melakukan pemindaian obyektif dan kemudian mulai mengembangkan rencana peningkatan kapasitas organisasi secara mandiri.
- Penyusunan SOP Grant Making, SOP Keuangan dan SOP Akuntansi lembaga.
- Learn! | Non For Profit Organization’ Learning Center
- Unit layanan Penabulu Alliance yang memberikan ruang bagi proses pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan bersama masyarakat sipil di Indonesia, melalui pelaksanaan seminar, lokakarya, pelatihan, forum diskusi dan bentuk ruang belajar lainnya.
- Fulcra | Tata Kelola Keuangan Organisasi Nirlaba
- Unit layanan Penabulu Alliance yang fokus pada perbaikan tata kelola keuangan organisasi nirlaba dan organisasi lain yang melayani kepentingan publik.
- Lingkar LSM | Memacu Keberdayaan Masyarakat Sipil
- Unit layanan Penabulu Alliance bagi penguatan kapasitas organisasi masyarakat sipil di Indonesia khususnya pada aspek tata kelola program (perencanaan-pemantauan-evaluasi) dan tata kelembagaan.
- Keuangan LSM | Media Referensi dan Diskusi Keuangan LSM
- Situs komunitas keuangan LSM Indonesia yang didedikasikan sebagai ruang diskusi, berbagi referensi dan pertukaran informasi yang terus menerus berkembang tentang pengelolaan keuangan LSM dan organisasi nirlaba di Indonesia.
- Performa | Manajemen SDM Organisasi Nirlaba
- Unit layanan Penabulu Alliance bagi pengelolaan dan penguatan manajemen sumber daya manusia organisasi nirlaba di Indonesia.
Dutch development institution that primarily focusing on economic structural change for sustainable and inclusive society.
- TNC (The Nature Conservancy)
World conservation organizations that tries to improve the welfare of Indonesia without compromising the sustainability of natural resources for present and future generations by encouraging the importance of nature, accelerating the transformation in the field of conservation and utilization of natural resources in a sustainable manner through a series of activities protected area management, conservation of important species, and society empowerment.
Dutch donor institution that focusing on the structural improvement of health conditions of marginalized communities in Africa and Asia through community empowerment, involving government and private sector to ensure that everyone can use essential services, learn healthy behaviors and enjoy sexual rights and reproductive.
- FNV Mondiaal (Federation Dutch Labour Movement)
Dutch donor institution, worksto support labor organizations/CSROas observers of labor in Indonesia.
- TFCA Kalimantan (Tropical Forest Conservation Act – Kalimantan)
TFCA dedicated by US Government through USAID to convert the Government of Indonesia debt to support the conservation of tropical forests of Kalimantan. TFCA Kalimantan agreements involving The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Foundation for World Wide Fund for Nature-Indonesia (WWF Indonesia) and administrated by by KEHATI Foundation.
- TAF (The Asia Foundation)
International development organization that is committed to improving the standard of living in Asia, working through a network of offices in 18 countries in Asia and in Washington DC.
USAID Scaling-Up for Most-at-risk Population Program
USAID Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program
AUSAID Knowledge Sector Initiative Program
PT Greasof Computindo is the main developer and distributor accounting application of SANGO Pro.
Strategic consulting partner who provides consulting services to strengthen governance and financial management on the issue of education in Indonesia.
- KIPRa (Independent Consultancy of Society Empowerment Foundation)
A non-profit, non-political, non primordial and democratic institution located in Jayapura, established for the achievement of the people of Papua who are empowered and able to activelyparticipate in order to encourage the establishment of regional autonomy that fair, prosperous and peaceful.
The Asia Foundation is a non-profit international development organization committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia. Informed by six decades of experience and deep local expertise, our programs address critical issues affecting Asia in the 21st century governance and law, economic development, women’s empowerment, environment, and regional cooperation. In addition, our Books for Asia and professional exchange programs are among the ways we encourage Asia’s continued development as a peaceful, just, and thriving region of the world.
- AIPJ (Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice)
TAIPJ presented the achievements of the program to the Government of Indonesia and transferred a number of programs which were sustainable to Bappenas in November 2015. Indonesian counterparts acknowledged that significant reforms were achieved in this period, and recognised the contribution of AIPJ. The 2016 transition program builds on successful AIPJ initiatives, focuses on improving the policy direction of law and justice and access to justice in Indonesia, and maintains a focus on three target groups: people with disabilities, women who are poor and vulnerable children.
- ZSL (Zoological Society of London)
Founded in 1826, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) is an international scientific, conservation and educational charity whose mission is to promote and achieve the worldwide conservation of animals and their habitats. Our mission is realised through our groundbreaking science, our active conservation projects in more than 50 countries and our two Zoos, ZSL London Zoo and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo.
- CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund)
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund unites seven global leaders who are committed to enabling nongovernmental and private sector organizations to help protect vital ecosystems.
Burung Indonesia was established as a national conservation organization in 2002 with the official name of Wild Bird Conservation Society of Indonesia (BirdLife Indonesia Association). With the support of the community, Bird Indonesia trying to conserve wild birds and their habitats in Indonesia. Earlier, in 1992-2002 this organization is known as BirdLife International-Indonesia Programme.
- IAC (Indonesia AIDS Coalition)
Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) is a community-based organization that works closely with stakeholders to improve transparency, accountability and public participation in AIDS program.
- KPAN (Komisi Penanggulangn AIDS Nasional)
Strategies aimed at preventing and reducing the risk of HIV transmission, improve the quality of life of people living with HIV, as well as reduce the social and economic consequences of HIV and AIDS on individuals, families and communities, so that individuals and communities to be productive and beneficial to development. Scenarios of this strategy and action plan in 2014 is that 80% of key populations covered by effective programs and 60% of key populations behave safely.
- GF (The Global Fund)
The Office of the Inspector General safeguards the assets, investments, reputation and sustainability of the Global Fund by ensuring that it takes the right action to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. All the results of its work are published on the Global Fund website in line with the disclosure policy outlined by the Board.
Indonesia has significantly improved the welfare of its citizen within the last decades. However, substantial challenges remain in alleviating poverty and creating economic opportunities. Women are particularly more vulnerable and remain among the poorest of the poor, often unable to access government social programs.
To address this issue, the Government of Indonesia, represented by the National Planning and Development Agency (BAPPENAS), and the Government of Australia, represented by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), launched a joint poverty alleviation initiative entitled Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction or Maju Perempuan Indonesia untuk Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (MAMPU). Launched in 2012, by the two government representations, MAMPU is focusing its interventions to empower poor women.
Cowater International (Cowater) is Canada’s leading management consulting firm focused on providing services to developing and emerging economies. Since 1985, Cowater has provided leading-edge, innovative solutions to more than 65 countries worldwide. During this time, Cowater has completed more than 400 projects and has developed a reputation of excellence for our strong ability to work with clients and stakeholders to provide solutions and services tailored to the needs and challenges faced by developing and transitional countries.
Our firm possesses internationally recognized and award winning experience at the policy, program and project levels, developing and managing major projects as well as undertaking studies, sector reviews, evaluations, and training and communications activities.
In addition to our headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, we also operate project offices in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Mozambique, Ghana, South Sudan, Vietnam, Lesotho, Jordan, Honduras, Mali, Malawi, and Bhutan.
- BRG (Badan Restorasi Gambut)
- ICCO Cooperation
ICCO Cooperation is a global, non-governmental organization. We work towards a world in which people can live in dignity and well-being, a world without poverty and injustice.
The Facility for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Food Security (FDOV) encourages public-private partnerships in the field of food security and private sector development in developing countries. Essentially, this means that government bodies,industry and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) or knowledge institutions form a collaborative venture with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in return can be eligible for a subsidy.
Gugah Nurani Indonesia is a non-governmental humanitarian organization that works in the pillars of SDGs, especially in the areas relating to children’s rights and empowerment. Gugah Nurani Indonesia is a foundation incorporated under the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights No. AHU – 594.AH.01.04.Tahun 2009.committees. Two committees that are currently being developed are a Fundraising and Investment Committee (FRIC) and a Program Committee (PC), respectively.
- YPIKI (Yayasan Pemantau Independen Kehutanan Indonesia)
JPIK is an Independent Forest Monitoring Network agreed and declared on 23 September 2010 by 29 NGOs and NGO Networks from Aceh to Papua. Establishment of JPIK as a manifestation of commitment to contribute actively in promoting good forest governance by ensuring credibility and accountability of system implementation Performance Assessment of Sustainable Production Forest Management (PK-PHPL) and Timber Legality Verification (VLK) as stipulated – but not limited to – Permenhut P.38 / 2009 and derivative regulations. JPIK until the end of January 2014 consists of 64 institutions and 318 individuals. JPIK has a role to monitor SVLK implementation, from the accreditation process, the verification / verification to the business actors, to the export execution process, and active in system review activities.
- IBCSD (Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development)
One chapter of the WBCSD that consists of a group of companies that operate in Indonesia and has a commitment to promote sustainable development through sustainable economic growth, ecological balance and social progress.
The Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH is one of the major German foundations associated with a private company and has managed the philanthropic bequest of company founder Robert Bosch for over 50 years. Indeed it was his entrepreneurial vision, political farsightedness, moral fortitude and charitable initiatives that set the standards for the work of the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
International Rhino Foundation (IRF) is a non-profit foundation that focuses on the conservation of five species of rhinos in the world, of which five species are threatened with extinction. In Indonesia, IRF works with the Indonesian Rhino Foundation or the Indonesian Rhino Foundation (YABI) to work on the conservation of two species of rhinoceros in Indonesia.
- CWI (Cakra Wikara Indonesia)
Cakra Wikara Indonesia (CWI) is an association of researchers focusing on social political studies that aim to collectively produce knowledge with gender perspective in order to enhance the quality of public policy and empower people’s participation.
CWI’s scope of work includes research, data mining and publication, as well as education and training programs that promote participatory, fair, and equal political governance. CWI is fully aware of the strategic importance of research and education as parts of concerted effort towards a participatory, fair and equal political governance.
Cardno is a global infrastructure, environmental and social development company operating in more than 100 countries and powered by a talented 6,000-strong workforce. We’re united by a shared purpose to deliver exceptional professional services to improve physical and social environments that make a difference to people’s lives around the world.
- DFAT (Departemen Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan)
The department’s purpose is to help make Australia stronger, safer and more prosperous by promoting and protecting our interests internationally and contributing to global stability and economic growth.
- SMERU (The SMERU Research Institute)
The SMERU Research Institute is an independent institution for research and public policy studies. We professionally and proactively provide accurate and timely information, as well as objective analyses, on various socioeconomic and poverty issues considered most urgent and relevant for the people of Indonesia. All of our work is directed toward our primary goal of encouraging pro-poor policies at national and regional levels through evidence-based research.
Since its establishment in 2001, SMERU has been a leader in poverty and inequality research in Indonesia. SMERU conducts qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method studies on various socioeconomic issues affecting Indonesia’s poorest and most vulnerable people. We are also at the forefront of the research effort to highlight the impact of development programs and policies, and we actively publish and report our research findings. Our work focuses on areas of socioeconomic research that are of fundamental importance to contemporary development issues.
- KSI (Knowledge Sector Initiative)
The Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) is a joint programme between the govements of Indonesia and Australia that seeks to improve the lives of the Indonesia people through better quality public policies that make better use of research, analysis and evidence.
Traction Energy Asia is an independent multidisciplinary group of experts and advocates on climate change, energy policy, CO2 emissions reduction, clean energy and the law. We are Indonesia-based with a regional focus across Asia.
We share the vision of a future in which climate change is being tackled by more ambitious and committed action from governments, the business sector, and society as a whole. As one of the world’s largest carbon emitters, and because of its growing role and influence in the global community, we believe that Indonesia can and must do a lot more to alleviate the threat of even more dangerous climate change. We are united in our commitment to removing the obstacles blocking Indonesia’s path to a low carbon future.
USAID leads international development and humanitarian efforts to save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance and help people progress beyond assistance.
Spring Strategies is a future forward organization that supports and accompanies social and climate justice leaders in accelerating individual and collective capacity to solve the critical problems of our time. We offer programs that help these change makers thrive in complexity, gain fresh perspectives and forge powerful new pathways.
Spring (formerly Spring Strategies) was founded in 2004 by Ellen Sprenger and consists of a dynamic, transdisciplinary, global team of associates. We have been honoured to support over 250 organizations and thousands of individuals driven to create a more just world. As a result of our support in the form of coaching, trainings and facilitation of meetings and conferences they have become more impactful in their ability to make change.
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation is a family foundation guided by the enduring business philosophy and personal values of Lucile and David Packard. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation works with partners around the world for social, cultural, and environmental change designed to improve the lives of children, families, and communities.
Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari ((LTKL) is a collaboration forum established and managed by the district governments to better implement sustainable development. LTKL was established by 8 district governments in July 2017. By February 2019, LTKL has 11 district members in 8 Indonesian provinces and operates alongside the Association of Indonesian District Governments (APKASI). Through LTKL, district members are supported to design and implement development scenario which balances economic, social, and environmental aspects through multi stakeholders collaboration within each district and among the district members. As a forum, LTKL also seeks to connect the needed support from national and global development partner networks and stakeholders, including civil society, academics, and private sector to achieve districts sustainable development.
UNAIDS is leading the global effort to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Since the first cases of HIV were reported more than 35 years ago, 78 million people have become infected with HIV and 35 million have died from AIDS-related illnesses. Since it started operations in 1996, UNAIDS has led and inspired global, regional, national and local leadership, innovation and partnership to ultimately consign HIV to history.
UNAIDS is a problem-solver. It places people living with HIV and people affected by the virus at the decision-making table and at the centre of designing, delivering and monitoring the AIDS response. It charts paths for countries and communities to get on the Fast-Track to ending AIDS and is a bold advocate for addressing the legal and policy barriers to the AIDS response.
UNAIDS provides the strategic direction, advocacy, coordination and technical support needed to catalyse and connect leadership from governments, the private sector and communities to deliver life-saving HIV services. Without UNAIDS, there would be no strategic vision for the AIDS response.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was created in 2002 to raise, manage and invest the world’s money to respond to three of the deadliest infectious diseases the world has ever known. The mission of the Global Fund is to invest the world’s money to defeat these three diseases.
The idea for the Global Fund arose from a wellspring of grass-roots political advocacy coming face-to-face with the imperatives of global leadership. AIDS, TB and malaria are all preventable and treatable – but solving this problem requires the commitment not only of world leaders and decision-makers but also of those working on the ground to help the men, women and children living with these diseases.
Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative is an independent think tank and policy advocacy group that supports the Government of Indonesia by providing evidence-based policy advices on ocean governance.
PLUS is a collaborative space for the social impact ecosystem in Indonesia. Our mission is to provide a platform and pathway for increasing the potential of Indonesian society in creating economic independence through entrepreneurship.
Wahana Visi Indonesia is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to work and collaborate to empower the most vulnerable children, family and community through community development, advocacy, and emergency response for sustainable transformation regardless of religion, race, ethnic or gender.
Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial is an Indonesian organization, born out of an active collaboration between Netherlands based Hivos and several like-minded Indonesian academics and civil society leaders who subscribe to the values and mission of Hivos.
The agenda for such a collaboration was set in the context of Hivos’s desire to phase out its direct presence in Southeast Asia by promoting sincere decentralization and local ownership. As the name itself suggests, the purpose underpinning establishment of the new entity is to promote humanistic values in the social, health, and cultural fields which is defined in terms of the ability for each individual to assess and decide independently and responsibly, the right to freedom, dignity and a passion to create a just and tolerant society.
Given the above outlined context, Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial will conduct the foundation’s launch event on 30 March 2021 which aims at introducing the foundation establishment to all stakeholders.
The Stop TB Partnership brings together expertise from a broad spectrum of country, regional, and global partners in our shared mission to revolutionize the TB space and end TB by 2030.
Founded in 2001, the Stop TB Partnership is a United Nations hosted organization that takes bold and smart risks to serve the needs and amplify the voices of the people, communities, and countries affected by TB.
We work to advocate, catalyze, and facilitate sustained coordination and collaboration among partners; to support the development, replication, and scale-up of innovative approaches and tools; and to facilitate equitable access to TB diagnostics, treatment, and care for all in need.
We believe that our comprehensive range of strategic and technical expertise and our willingness to push boundaries are crucial factors in reaching the targets set forth by the TB community at large.
Saat Anda bekerja untuk dampak sistemik dan berkelanjutan, tidak ada waktu untuk disia-siakan — Anda memerlukan jalur yang jelas untuk menciptakan perubahan — strategi, pendanaan, dan tim yang kuat. Banyak yayasan dan donor utama dapat menyediakan dana awal, tetapi memerlukan organisasi 501(c)(3) yang mapan untuk menerima dan mengelola hibah. Di situlah Multiplier dapat membantu. Kami adalah rumah yang dihormati dan hemat biaya bagi portofolio proyek terpilih yang mengubah ide-ide yang mengubah permainan menjadi dampak penyelamatan planet. Setelah disetujui sebagai proyek Pengganda, Anda mendapatkan jalur cepat ke status 501(c)(3) ditambah dengan dukungan yang fleksibel, dapat disesuaikan, dan hemat biaya sebagai tulang punggung kesuksesan Anda.
About us
UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion, and build resilience so countries can sustain progress. As the UN’s development agency, UNDP plays a critical role in helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
AIPTIS is an upcoming partnership program between the Governments of Australia and Indonesia to contribute towards inclusive democracy in Indonesia.
Working with civil society, AIPTIS will ensure that more women, children and minority groups can benefit from Indonesia’s social, political and economic opportunities.
The Kurawal Fundation aims to promote democratic values, institutions and practices in Indonesia and abroad.
KURAWAL functions as a social justice philanthropist that supports new ideas, initiatives and efforts to strengthen democracy. The foundation works to stimulate the emergence of new political subjects – especially those who are the least politically, economically and socially affluent – who act in the interests of democracy.
“KURAWAL” comes from the word “curly brackets”, a sign to collect groups of information that have been separated for a specific purpose. Generally, this mark is used to mark groups of lines (in music) that must be played simultaneously.
This sign has a meaning that aligns with our aim to build a platform that identifies, protects and engages various political subjects in work to strengthen democracy
We believe in the inherent dignity of all people. But around the world, too many people are excluded from the political, economic, and social institutions that shape their lives.
In addressing this reality, we are guided by a vision of social justice—a world in which all individuals, communities, and people work toward the protection and full expression of their human rights; are active participants in the decisions that affect them; share equitably in the knowledge, wealth, and resources of society; and are free to achieve their full potential.
Across eight decades, our mission has been to reduce poverty and injustice, strengthen democratic values, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement.
Our approaches
We believe that social movements are built upon individual leadership, strong institutions, and innovative, often high-risk ideas. While the specifics of what we work on have evolved over the years, investments in these three areas have remained the touchstones of everything we do and are central to our theory of how change happens in the world. These approaches have long distinguished the Ford Foundation, and they have had a profound cumulative impact..
SNV adalah mitra pembangunan global yang digerakkan oleh visi dunia yang lebih baik: dunia di mana semua orang hidup bermartabat dan memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk berkembang secara berkelanjutan. Kami bertujuan untuk mewujudkan hal ini melalui misi kami untuk memperkuat kapasitas dan mengkatalisasi kemitraan di negara-negara tempat kami berakar. Dengan melakukan hal tersebut, kami bertujuan untuk mengubah sistem agrikultur, energi, dan air untuk memungkinkan kehidupan yang berkelanjutan dan lebih adil bagi semua.
Yayasan WWF Indonesia memiliki visi untuk konservasi yang sejalan dengan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dan berkontribusi pada pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia, dengan berfokus pada tata kelola sumber daya alam yang adil untuk menjamin manfaat konservasi di masa depan. Misi kami mewujudkan tata kelola ekosistem dan keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia yang adil dan berkelanjutan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia.
Tara Climate Foundation adalah yayasan filantropi berbasis regional dengan visi masyarakat yang adil dan berkembang di Asia yang didukung oleh energi terbarukan, dengan misi mendukung beragam kelompok mitra untuk mempercepat transformasi energi Asia.
Oxfam adalah sebuah konfederasi organisasi nirlaba internasional yang berfokus pada upaya-upaya untuk mengatasi kemiskinan, ketidakadilan sosial, dan ketimpangan ekonomi di seluruh dunia. Oxfam didirikan pada tahun 1942 di Oxford, Inggris, dan namanya berasal dari singkatan Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (Komite Oxford untuk Bantuan Kelaparan). Sejak saat itu, organisasi ini telah berkembang menjadi Oxfam International. Kami bekerja di berbagai wilayah di sekitar 70 negara, dengan ribuan mitra dan sekutu, mendukung masyarakat untuk membangun kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi diri mereka sendiri, menumbuhkan ketangguhan, serta melindungi kehidupan dan mata pencaharian mereka di masa krisis.
USAID memimpin pembangunan internasional dan upaya kemanusiaan untuk menyelamatkan jiwa, mengurangi kemiskinan, memperkuat pemerintahan demokratis dan membantu orang untuk maju di luar bantuan.
Vital Strategies membantu pemerintah memperkuat sistem kesehatan masyarakat untuk menghadapi tantangan kesehatan yang paling penting dan sulit. Kami merancang solusi yang dapat berkembang dengan cepat dan meningkatkan kehidupan jutaan orang. Misi kami adalah bekerja dalam kemitraan untuk menata ulang kebijakan dan praktik berbasis bukti yang digerakkan oleh masyarakat setempat untuk memajukan kesehatan masyarakat.
Kami mendefinisikan, membentuk, dan memajukan kepentingan dan nilai-nilai Kanada dalam lingkungan global yang kompleks. Kami mengelola hubungan diplomatik, mempromosikan perdagangan internasional dan memberikan bantuan konsuler. Kami memimpin upaya-upaya pembangunan internasional, kemanusiaan, serta bantuan perdamaian dan keamanan. Kami juga berkontribusi pada keamanan nasional dan pengembangan hukum internasional.
Samdhana Institut merupakan komunitas aktivis dan praktisi yang bekerja bersama Masyarakat Adat dan Komunitas Lokal, berkolaborasi dengan gerakan masyarakat sipil; menginspirasi, memelihara, dan menumbuhkan komunitas tangguh, untuk keadilan sosial dan lingkungan di Asia Tenggara.
Festival Film Purbalingga merupakan sebuah festival tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Cinema Lovers Community. FFP menghadirkan kompetisi film pelajar SMA/sederajat se-Banyumas Raya sebagai ruang berekspresi.
Kisah BOS Foundation bermula di tahun 1991 diawali pendirian pusat rehabilitasi sederhana di Wanariset Samboja, Kalimantan Timur sebagai jawaban dari banyaknya orangutan yang ditangkap demi perdagangan satwa ilegal. Dalam dekade-dekade berikutnya, peran kami terus berkembang. Kini, kami bekerja sama dengan masyarakat setempat, pemerintah Indonesia, dan masyarakat internasional untuk mencegah kepunahan dan melestarikan orangutan dan habitatnya di Kalimantan – terutama di Kalimantan Tengah dan Timur.
- Lembaga Pengkajian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak Papua (LP3A-P)
Lembaga Pengkajian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak Papua (LP3A-P) merupakan organisasi yang bekerja untuk untuk; Advokasi, Pemberdayaan, Jaringan Informasi, Studi dan Kajian, serta Pembelaan Hukum Terhadap Hak-Hak Perempuan dan Anak di Papua. Dengan mengusung visi, Terwujudnya masyarakat Papua yang berkeadilan dan berkesetaraan gender.
GEF SGP Indonesia merupakan bagian dari jaringan komunitas pengelolaan sumber daya alam dan mengasuh sedikitnya 200 Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat dan Komunitas Lokal yang memenuhi kriteria. GEF SGP Indonesia saat ini mengelola beragam kegiatan bersama dengan lebih dari 40 Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat dan Komunitas Lokal, baik penerima Planning Grants, maupun bantuan penuh (Full Grants) dari SGP. Kegiatan yang dijalankan juga bekerjasama dengan jaringan masyarakat adat dan organisasi kemanusiaan, para donor dan organisasi masyarakat lainnya. Masing-masing mitra akan menerima US$ 2,000-5,000 untuk Planning Grant dengan durasi proyek 3 – 6 Bulan atau hingga US $ 10,000-50,000 untuk full grant dengan durasi proyek antara 12 – 24 bulan.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (B&MGF atau Gates Foundation) adalah yayasan swasta yang beroperasi secara transparan terbesar di dunia, didirikan oleh Bill dan Melinda Gates. Yayasan ini “didorong oleh ketertarikan dan gairah keluarga Gates”. Tujuan utama yayasan ini adalah memperbaiki sistem kesehatan dan mengurangi kemiskinan ekstrem di seluruh dunia, dan memperluas kesempatan pendidikan serta akses ke teknologi informasi di Amerika Serikat.
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP) adalah organisasi pemberi hibah yang berbasis di Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Ini mencakup dua entitas bawahan: Margaret A. Cargill Foundation dan Anne Ray Foundation. Dana abadi MACP terutama berasal dari kekayaan pewaris bisnis pertanian Margaret Anne Cargill, yang terlibat dalam aktivitas filantropis ekstensif sepanjang hidupnya, biasanya melalui jalur anonim atau rahasia. Dia meninggal pada tahun 2006, setelah mewariskan asetnya ke tempat yang kemudian menjadi MACP. Pemberian hibah oleh organisasi ini relatif terbatas hingga tahun 2011, ketika organisasi tersebut meluncurkan inisiatif untuk memperluas cakupannya. Pada tahun 2015, yayasan Cargill dan Anne Ray secara kolektif mencapai $1 miliar dalam bentuk hadiah kumulatif, dan pada tahun 2019, totalnya mencapai $2 miliar. Pada tahun itu, MACP juga menjangkau 100 karyawan.
- Koalisi Kampus untuk Demokrasi Papua (KKDP)
Koalisi Kampus untuk Demokrasi Papua (KKDP) merupakan sebuah organisasi yang bekerja untuk kedaulatan sumber daya alam di Papua. Sebagai sebuah organisasi baru yang berisi civitas akademik universitas-universitas di Papua, KKDP merasa perlu untuk mulai merancang arah pertumbuhan organisasi melalui tata kelola yang mumpuni.
Kami adalah Simavi. Kami bekerja sama dengan mitra di Afrika dan Asia dalam berbagai program yang mendukung solusi lokal sehingga perempuan dan anak perempuan dapat menikmati hak asasi mereka atas air, toilet, dan perlakuan yang setara.
Quantedge Foundation adalah yayasan filantropi yang didirikan oleh para pimpinan Quantedge Capital. Pekerjaan amal kami di Singapura didanai oleh Quantedge Foundation (Singapore) Ltd, sedangkan pekerjaan amal di luar negeri didanai oleh Quantedge Advancement Initiative Ltd, Quantedge USA Inc. atau individu yang berafiliasi dengan Quantedge.
Laboratorium Integrasi, atau i-Lab, di University of Notre Dame Keough School, didirikan untuk membantu organisasi seperti Catholic Relief Services, Corning, dan Departemen Luar Negeri AS menemukan cara untuk mengatasi tantangan sosial yang kompleks dengan melakukan pembangunan global secara berbeda. Mereka menemukan bahwa pengumpulan data di negara-negara di seluruh dunia untuk mengevaluasi kemanjuran program membantu mengidentifikasi peluang untuk mengatasi tantangan, merasakan peluang lebih awal, dan melampaui perubahan.
i-Lab juga mempertimbangkan bahwa solusi terbaik datang dari orang-orang yang berada di inti masalah, mereka yang memiliki pengalaman hidup — dan memastikan kelompok-kelompok ini terlibat di setiap tahap.
Oxfam International adalah sebuah konfederasi global yang terdiri dari berbagai organisasi non-pemerintah (NGO) independen yang bekerja sama untuk mengatasi ketidakadilan, kemiskinan, dan ketimpangan di seluruh dunia. Didirikan pada tahun 1995, Oxfam memiliki visi agar dunia yang adil dan berkelanjutan. Dunia tempat manusia dan planet berada di pusat ekonomi yang adil. Dunia tempat perempuan dan anak perempuan hidup bebas dari kekerasan dan diskriminasi berbasis gender. Tempat krisis iklim terkendali, dan sistem tata kelola yang inklusif dan akuntabel memungkinkan mereka yang berkuasa untuk bertanggung jawab.
Oxfam International bekerja di berbagai wilayah di 79 negara, dengan ribuan mitra dan sekutu, mendukung masyarakat untuk membangun kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi diri mereka sendiri, membangun ketahanan, dan melindungi kehidupan dan mata pencaharian bahkan di masa krisis. Karena Oxfam International menginginkan solusi yang langgeng, Oxfam International memerangi ketimpangan yang membuat orang-orang terkungkung dalam kemiskinan dan ketidakadilan – dan mengkampanyekan perubahan yang sejati dan langgeng.